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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing A, 2E, 2N, O, T and Y

CONCENTRATEDLYconcentratedly adv. In a concentrated way.
CONCENTRATED adv. CONCENTRATE, to bring or direct toward a common center or objective.
CONVALESCENTLYconvalescently adv. In the manner of a convalescent; with increasing strength or vigour.
CONVALESCENT adv. recovering.
CYANOACETYLENEcyanoacetylene n. (Organic chemistry) The linear acetylenic nitrile HC≡C-CN or any derivative of this compound.
CYANOACETYLENE n. a large and complex organic molecule found in interstellar clouds.
DEMYELINATIONSdemyelinations n. Plural of demyelination.
DEMYELINATION n. the act of destroying the myelin (of nerve fibres).
DENOMINATIVELYdenominatively adv. By denomination.
DENOMINATIVE adv. giving a title.
DEOXYGENATIONSdeoxygenations n. Plural of deoxygenation.
DEOXYGENATION n. the act of deoxygenating.
ENANTIOSTYLIESENANTIOSTYLY n. a dimorphous condition in which the style projects at one side or the other in different flowers.
EXTENSIONALITYextensionality n. (Philosophy) The principle that objects are equal if and only if their observed properties are the same…
extensionality n. (Mathematics, functional analysis) The principle that functions are equal if and only if they operate…
extensionality n. (Mathematics, set theory) The principle, codified in the axiom of extensionality, that sets are equal…
GENERATIONALLYgenerationally adv. With regard to the generations.
GENERATIONAL adv. relating to generation.
GOVERNMENTALLYgovernmentally adv. In a governmental way; by or through a government.
GOVERNMENTAL adv. relating to government.
MALCONTENTEDLYmalcontentedly adv. In a malcontented manner.
MALCONTENTED adv. discontented.
NARCOSYNTHESESnarcosyntheses n. Plural of narcosynthesis.
NARCOSYNTHESIS n. narcoanalysis directed toward unearthing repressed memories.
NONASSERTIVELYnonassertively adv. In a nonassertive way.
NONGENETICALLYnongenetically adv. In a nongenetic manner.
PHENYLBUTAZONEphenylbutazone n. (Pharmacology) An anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug used to treat arthritis and gout.
PHENYLBUTAZONE n. a drug formerly used as an analgesic, but now largely restricted to veterinary use.
PREPONDERANTLYpreponderantly adv. In a preponderant manner.
PREPONDERANT adv. having superior weight, force, or influence.
REOXYGENATIONSreoxygenations n. Plural of reoxygenation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 157 words
  • Scrabble in French: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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