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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing A, 3E, 2H, R and T

ASTHENOSPHERESasthenospheres n. Plural of asthenosphere.
ASTHENOSPHERE n. the upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere, characterized by a relatively low resistance to plastic flow.
CHEMOTHERAPIESchemotherapies n. Plural of chemotherapy.
CHEMOTHERAPY n. therapy involving the use of chemicals.
CHICKENHEARTEDchickenhearted adj. Alternative form of chicken-hearted.
chicken-hearted adj. Not brave; lacking courage; cowardly.
CHICKENHEARTED adj. timid, cowardly.
FEATHERWEIGHTSfeatherweights n. Plural of featherweight.
FEATHERWEIGHT n. a weight division in boxing.
HEAVYHEARTEDLYheavyheartedly adv. Alternative form of heavy-heartedly.
heavy-heartedly adv. In a heavy-hearted manner; sadly, morosely.
HEAVYHEARTED adv. despondent, saddened.
HELIOTHERAPIESheliotherapies n. Plural of heliotherapy.
HELIOTHERAPY n. medical treatment by exposure to the sun's rays.
HEPHTHEMIMERALhephthemimeral adj. (Poetry) Of or relating to a hephthemimer.
HEPHTHEMIMERAL adj. relating to a hephthemimer.
HERESTHETICIANHERESTHETICIAN n. one who practises heresthetics.
HETEROGRAPHIESheterographies n. Plural of heterography.
HETEROGRAPHY n. incorrect spelling.
HETEROLECITHALheterolecithal adj. (Biology) Having the yolk unevenly distributed within the cytoplasm.
HETEROLECITHAL adj. of the eggs of birds, having an unequally distributed yolk.
HETEROTHALLIESHETEROTHALLY n. the state of being heterothallic, also HETEROTHALLISM.
HYPERAESTHESIAhyperaesthesia n. Alternative spelling of hyperesthesia.
hyperæsthesia n. Obsolete form of hyperaesthesia.
HYPERAESTHESIA n. excessive sensitivity, also HYPERESTHESIA.
HYPERAESTHETIChyperaesthetic adj. Alternative form of hyperesthetic.
hyperæsthetic adj. Obsolete form of hyperesthetic.
HYPERAESTHETIC adj. excessively sensitive, also HYPERAESTHESIC.
HYPERESTHESIAShyperesthesias n. Plural of hyperesthesia.
HYPERESTHESIA n. excessive sensitivity, also HYPERAESTHESIA.
TEREPHTHALATESterephthalates n. Plural of terephthalate.
TEREPHTHALATE n. a salt or ester of terephthalic acid.
THERMAESTHESIAthermaesthesia n. Alternative form of thermesthesia.
THERMAESTHESIA n. sensitivity to various degrees of heat and cold, also THERMESTHESIA.
THERMESTHESIASTHERMESTHESIA n. sensitivity to various degrees of heat and cold, also THERMAESTHESIA.
WHOLEHEARTEDLYwholeheartedly adv. In a wholehearted manner; enthusiastically; without reserve.
whole-heartedly adv. Alternative spelling of wholeheartedly.
WHOLEHEARTED adv. completely and sincerely devoted, determined, or enthusiastic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 113 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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