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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, N, 2O and 3R

AEROGENERATORaerogenerator n. A generator powered by wind.
AEROGENERATOR n. a generator driven by wind.
CHRONOGRAPHERchronographer n. One who writes a chronography; a chronologer.
CHRONOGRAPHER n. a chronicler.
COTRANSPORTERcotransporter n. (Biochemistry) An integral membrane protein that actively transports molecules by using the concentration…
INTERROGATORSinterrogators n. Plural of interrogator.
INTERROGATOR n. one that interrogates.
INTERROGATORYinterrogatory n. (Law) A formal question submitted to opposing party to answer, generally governed by court rule.
interrogatory n. A question; an interrogation.
interrogatory adj. Serving to interrogate; questioning.
NONPROGRAMMERnonprogrammer n. A person who is not a computer programmer.
non-programmer n. Alternative spelling of nonprogrammer.
NONPROGRAMMER n. someone who is not a programmer.
PORNOGRAPHERSpornographers n. Plural of pornographer.
PORNOGRAPHER n. one who produces pornography.
PROTERANDROUSproterandrous adj. (Botany) Having the stamens come to maturity before the pistil.
PROTERANDROUS adj. exhibiting proterandry.
REINCORPORATEreincorporate v. To incorporate again or in a different manner.
REINCORPORATE v. to incorporate again.
REINVIGORATORreinvigorator n. One who or that which reinvigorates.
REINVIGORATOR n. somehting that reinvigorates.
REMONSTRATORSremonstrators n. Plural of remonstrator.
REMONSTRATOR n. one who remonstrates.
REMONSTRATORYremonstratory adj. Remonstrative.
REMONSTRATORY adj. of the nature of a remonstrance.
TERRORISATIONterrorisation n. Alternative form of terrorization.
TERRORISATION n. the act of terrorising, also TERRORIZATION.
TERRORIZATIONterrorization n. The act of terrorizing.
TERRORIZATION n. the act of terrorizing, also TERRORISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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