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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, M, N, 2S, T and Y

ACTINOMYCOSESactinomycoses n. Plural of actinomycosis.
ACTINOMYCOSIS n. a parasitic disease in men and cattle resulting in inflammation of the jaw.
CRYPTOMNESIASCRYPTOMNESIA n. latent or subconscious memory.
GYNECOMASTIASgynecomastias n. Plural of gynecomastia.
GYNECOMASTIA n. excessive development of the breast in the male, also GYNAECOMASTIA, GYNAECOMASTY.
HYSTEROMANIASHYSTEROMANIA n. hysterical mania, often marked by erotic delusions and an excessive desire to attract attention.
NONSYSTEMATICnonsystematic adj. Not systematic.
NONSYSTEMATIC adj. not systematic.
PNEUMATOLYSESpneumatolyses n. Plural of pneumatolysis.
PNEUMATOLYSIS n. the destructive action of the hot vapours of magma on igneous rock.
PNEUMATOLYSISpneumatolysis n. (Geology) the alteration of rocks and minerals by gases or magmatic fluid within volcanos etc.
PNEUMATOLYSIS n. the destructive action of the hot vapours of magma on igneous rock.
SEMISEDENTARYsemisedentary adj. Somewhat or partially sedentary.
SEMISEDENTARY adj. sedentary during part of the year and nomadic otherwise.
SOMATOSENSORYsomatosensory adj. (Biology) Of or pertaining to the perception of sensory stimuli produced by the skin or internal organs.
SOMATOSENSORY adj. of, relating to, or being sensory activity having its origin elsewhere than in the special sense organs (as eyes and ears) and conveying information about the state of the body proper and its immediate environment.
SYNAPOSEMATICSYNAPOSEMATIC adj. having a warning coloration common to a number of dangerous species in the same region.
SYNTAGMATITESsyntagmatites n. Plural of syntagmatite.
SYNTAGMATITE n. a kind of hornblende.
SYSTEMATICIANsystematician n. A person who works or studies according to a system.
SYSTEMATICIAN n. one who studies systems.
SYSTEMATISINGsystematising v. Present participle of systematise.
SYSTEMATISE v. to reduce to a system, also SYSTEMATIZE.
SYSTEMATIZINGsystematizing v. Present participle of systematize.
systematizing n. The process by which something is systematized; a systematization.
SYSTEMATIZE v. to reduce to a system, also SYSTEMATISE.
SYSTEMISATIONsystemisation n. Alternative form of systemization.
SYSTEMISATION n. the act of systemising, also SYSTEMIZATION.
SYSTEMIZATIONsystemization n. Systematization.
SYSTEMIZATION n. the act of systemizing, also SYSTEMISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: 34 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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