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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, L, 2N, T, U and V

ANTEDILUVIANSantediluvians n. Plural of antediluvian.
ANTEDILUVIAN n. someone or something occurring in the period before the Flood.
ANTIEVOLUTIONantievolution adj. Opposing the teaching or espousal of evolutionary theories, often specifically the Darwinian theory…
ANTIEVOLUTION adj. opposed to (the teaching of) evolution.
ANTIEVOLUTION n. a system of thought which argues against the biological theory of evolution.
ENUNCIATIVELYenunciatively adv. In an enunciative manner.
ENUNCIATIVE adv. containing enunciation or utterance, also ENUNCIATORY.
EVENTUALISINGeventualising v. Present participle of eventualise.
EVENTUALISE v. to happen, come into being, also EVENTUALIZE.
EVENTUALIZINGeventualizing v. Present participle of eventualize.
EVENTUALIZE v. to happen, come into being, also EVENTUALISE.
INTRAVENOUSLYintravenously adv. (Medicine) In an intravenous manner; by means of intravenous injection.
INTRAVENOUS adv. situated, performed, or occurring within or entering by way of a vein.
NONCULTIVATEDnoncultivated adj. Not cultivated.
NONCULTIVATED adj. not cultivated.
NONCUMULATIVEnoncumulative adj. Not cumulative.
noncumulative adj. (Finance) Not having an accumulating right to receive dividends unpaid in previous periods.
NONCUMULATIVE adj. not cumulative.
NONEQUIVALENTnonequivalent adj. Not equivalent; different.
NONEQUIVALENT adj. not equivalent.
NONEVALUATIVEnonevaluative adj. Not evaluative.
NONEVALUATIVE adj. not evaluative.
QUANTIVALENCEquantivalence n. (Chemistry) Valence; the atomic or combining power of an element or radical expressed in terms of the…
QUINQUEVALENTquinquevalent adj. Alternative spelling of quinquivalent.
QUINQUEVALENT adj. having a valency of five, also QUINQUIVALENT.
QUINQUIVALENTquinquivalent adj. (Chemistry) Having an atomic valence of 5.
quinquivalent adj. (Medicine) Having a vaccine valence of 5.
QUINQUIVALENT adj. having a valency of five, also QUINQUEVALENT.
UNDEVIATINGLYundeviatingly adv. Without deviation; directly, unerringly.
UNDEVIATING adv. keeping a true course.
UNPREVENTABLEunpreventable adj. Not preventable.
unpreventable n. Something that cannot be prevented.
UNPREVENTABLE adj. not preventable.
VOLUNTARINESSvoluntariness n. The condition of being voluntary.
VOLUNTARINESS n. the state of being voluntary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 28 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 48 words

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