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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, 2L, O, 2R and T

ACRYLONITRILEacrylonitrile n. (Organic chemistry) A toxic colourless liquid organic compound, CH2=CH.CN, synthesized from propylene…
ACRYLONITRILE n. vinyl cyanide, used in making synthetic fibres.
CONTRALATERALcontralateral adj. On the opposite side of the body.
contralateral n. (Especially in plural) The opposite side of the body.
CONTRALATERAL adj. occurring on or acting in conjunction with a part on the opposite side of the body.
CORRELATIONALcorrelational adj. Of or pertaining to a correlation.
CORRELATIONAL adj. relating to correlation.
CORRELATIVELYcorrelatively adv. In a correlative manner.
CORRELATIVE adv. mutually linked, also CORELATIVE.
DECLARATORILYdeclaratorily adv. In a declaratory manner.
DECLARATORY adv. in the manner of a declaration.
DEFIBRILLATORdefibrillator n. (Cardiology) An electronic device used internally or externally that delivers a controlled electric…
DEFIBRILLATOR n. an electronic device that applies an electric shock to restore the rhythm of a fibrillating heart.
DIRECTORIALLYdirectorially adv. In terms of film direction.
DIRECTORIAL adv. serving to direct.
ELECTRODERMALelectrodermal adj. Of or pertaining to the electrical properties of skin.
ELECTRODERMAL adj. of or relating to electrical activity in or electrical properties of the skin.
ELECTROPLATERelectroplater n. Someone who uses electroplating techniques to apply a thin layer of metal on the surface of another metal.
ELECTROPLATER n. one who electroplates.
INTERPELLATORinterpellator n. One who interpellates.
INTERPELLATOR n. one who interpellates, questions formally concerning an official action or policy or personal conduct.
PREFATORIALLYPREFATORIAL adv. serving as preface or opening remarks.
REALPOLITIKERrealpolitiker n. One who supports or engages in realpolitik.
REALPOLITIKER n. (German) one who practises realpolitik, politics based on practical, rather than moral or ideological, considerations.
REPORTORIALLYreportorially adv. In a reportorial manner.
REPORTORIAL adv. relating to the work of a reporter.
ROLLERCOASTERrollercoaster n. An amusement ride consisting of a buggy on a track that rises, falls, twists and turns.
rollercoaster n. (Figurative, by extension) Any situation in which there are ups and downs, or violent changes.
roller-coaster n. Alternative spelling of rollercoaster.
STEAMROLLEREDsteamrollered v. Simple past tense and past participle of steamroller.
STEAMROLLER v. to overwhelm usually by greatly superior force.
TERRITORIALLYterritorially adv. In terms of territory.
territorially adv. In a territorial manner; so as to defend one’s territory.
TERRITORIAL adv. relating to territory.
TRILLIONAIREStrillionaires n. Plural of trillionaire.
TRILLIONAIRE n. one whose wealth exceeds a trillion pounds.
ULTRAPOWERFULultrapowerful adj. (Rare) Extremely or exceedingly powerful; having, or capable of exerting great power, potency, or influence.
ULTRAPOWERFUL adj. very very powerful.
VENTROLATERALventrolateral adj. (Anatomy) Both ventral and lateral.
VENTROLATERAL adj. ventral and lateral.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 161 words
  • Scrabble in French: 111 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 70 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 162 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 740 words

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