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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, 3I, M, P and R

AMITRIPTYLINEamitriptyline n. (Pharmacology) An antidepressant drug; a tablet containing this drug.
AMITRIPTYLINE n. an antidepressant drug, also AMITRYPTYLINE.
HEMIPARASITIChemiparasitic adj. Semiparasitic.
HEMIPARASITIC adj. of or like a hemiparasite.
IMPARIPINNATEimparipinnate adj. (Botany) pinnate with a single leaflet at the apex.
IMPARIPINNATE adj. pinnate with the rachis terminated by a single leaflet or tendril.
IMPERIALISINGimperialising v. Present participle of imperialise.
IMPERIALISE v. to make imperial, also IMPERIALIZE.
IMPERIALISTICimperialistic adj. Of or pertaining to imperialism or imperialists; favoring imperialism.
IMPERIALISTIC adj. relating to imperialism.
IMPERIALITIESimperialities n. Plural of imperiality.
IMPERIALITY n. the state of being imperial.
IMPERIALIZINGimperializing v. Present participle of imperialize.
IMPERIALIZE v. to make imperial.
IMPREDICATIVEimpredicative adj. (Logic, of a proposition) definable only in terms of a totality of which it is itself a part.
IMPREDICATIVE adj. of a definition, given in terms that require quantification over a range that includes that which is to be defined.
MULTIPARITIESmultiparities n. Plural of multiparity.
MULTIPARITY n. the state of being a multipara, giving birth to two or more offspring.
PARVANIMITIESparvanimities n. Plural of parvanimity.
PARVANIMITY n. pettiness, meanness.
PRECISIANISMSprecisianisms n. Plural of precisianism.
PRECISIANISM n. over-preciseness, formalism, also PRECISIONISM.
PRELIMINARIESpreliminaries n. Plural of preliminary.
PRELIMINARY n. something that precedes or is introductory or preparatory.
PRELIMINARILYpreliminarily adv. In a preliminary manner.
PRELIMINARY adv. preceding.
PRIMIGRAVIDAEprimigravidae n. Plural of primigravida.
primigravidæ n. Archaic form of primigravidae (plural of primigravida).
PRIMIGRAVIDA n. (Lat.) a woman pregnant for the first time.
PRIMIPARITIESPRIMIPARITY n. the bearing of one's first child.
PYRITHIAMINESPYRITHIAMINE n. an antivitamin causing thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency.
SEMIEMPIRICALsemiempirical adj. Partially empirical (and partially theoretical).
SEMIEMPIRICAL adj. partly empirical.
SEMIPARASITICsemiparasitic adj. (Botany) Describing a plant that, although it uses photosynthesis, obtains some nutrition from other plants.
semiparasitic adj. (Biology) Having moderate infectiousness for living tissue.
SEMIPARASITIC adj. of, relating to, or being a parasitic plant that contains some chlorophyll and is capable of photosynthesis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 44 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 82 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 220 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 329 words

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