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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, H, L, M, P and 2S

ACCOMPLISHERSaccomplishers n. Plural of accomplisher.
ACCOMPLISHER n. one who accomplishes.
ALDERMANSHIPSaldermanships n. Plural of aldermanship.
ALDERMANSHIP n. the office of alderman.
BLASPHEMOUSLYblasphemously adv. In blasphemous manner.
BLASPHEMOUS adv. related to blasphemy.
BLEPHAROSPASMblepharospasm n. (Medicine) A physiological condition characterized by recurring involuntary twitches or closing of the eyelids.
BLEPHAROSPASM n. a form of constant winking.
EPHEMERALNESSephemeralness n. The quality of being ephemeral or transitory.
EPHEMERAL n. existing only for a day, or short period.
HELMSMANSHIPShelmsmanships n. Plural of helmsmanship.
HELMSMANSHIP n. the role or skill of helmsman.
HYPERREALISMShyperrealisms n. Plural of hyperrealism.
HYPERREALISM n. realism in art characterized by depiction of real life in an unusual or striking manner.
IMPERISHABLESimperishables n. Plural of imperishable.
IMPERISHABLE n. something imperishable.
LYMPHOMATOSESlymphomatoses n. Plural of lymphomatosis.
LYMPHOMATOSIS n. the presence of multiple lymphomas in the body.
MESOCEPHALICSmesocephalics n. Plural of mesocephalic.
MESOCEPHALIC n. someone having a medium-sized skull.
MESOCEPHALISMmesocephalism n. The property of being mesocephalic.
MESOCEPHALISM n. having a medium skull, also MESOCEPHALY.
MESOCEPHALOUSmesocephalous adj. Alternative form of mesocephalic.
MESOCEPHALOUS adj. having a medium skull.
PHALANSTERISMphalansterism n. A system of phalansteries; Fourierism.
PHALANSTERISM n. support for a system involving a phalanstery, a Fourierist cooperative community.
PHOTOREALISMSPHOTOREALISM n. an esp. detailed, precise painting style, giving an effect of (often exaggerated) realism.
SALESMANSHIPSsalesmanships n. Plural of salesmanship.
SALESMANSHIP n. the skill or art of selling.
SULPHONAMIDESsulphonamides n. Plural of sulphonamide.
SULPHONAMIDE n. an organic amide of a sulphonic acid; specifically any of the drugs derived from sulphanilamide.
SUPERHUMERALSsuperhumerals n. Plural of superhumeral.
SUPERHUMERAL n. an ecclesiastical garment worn over the shoulders.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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