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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, G, 3I, L and O

ANTIRELIGIONSANTIRELIGION n. opposition to religion.
ANTIRELIGIOUSantireligious adj. Opposed to religion.
anti-religious adj. Alternative form of antireligious.
ANTIRELIGIOUS adj. opposed to religion.
GAZILLIONAIREgazillionaire n. (Humorous) An incredibly rich person.
GAZILLIONAIRE n. a very rich person.
GEOPOLITICIANgeopolitician n. One who is involved in geopolitics.
GEOPOLITICIAN n. a specialist in geopolitics.
LEGITIMATIONSlegitimations n. Plural of legitimation.
LEGITIMATION n. the act of making legitimate.
LONGANIMITIESLONGANIMITY n. a disposition to bear injuries patiently.
MEMORIALISINGmemorialising v. Present participle of memorialise.
MEMORIALISE v. to celebrate with a memorial, also MEMORIALIZE.
MEMORIALIZINGmemorializing v. Present participle of memorialize.
MEMORIALIZE v. to address or petition by a memorial, also MEMORIALISE.
NEGOTIABILITYnegotiability n. The state of being negotiable.
NEGOTIABILITY n. the state of being negotiable.
ORIENTALISINGorientalising v. Present participle of orientalise.
Orientalising v. Present participle of Orientalise.
ORIENTALISE v. to make oriental, also ORIENTALIZE.
ORIENTALIZINGorientalizing v. Present participle of orientalize.
Orientalizing v. Present participle of Orientalize.
ORIENTALIZE v. to make oriental, also ORIENTALISE.
ORIGINALITIESoriginalities n. Plural of originality.
ORIGINALITY n. the state of being original.
ORIGINATIVELYoriginatively adv. In an originative manner.
ORIGINATIVE adv. having power to originate or bring into existence.
PRODIGALITIESprodigalities n. Plural of prodigality.
PRODIGALITY n. the state of being prodigal.
REGIONALISINGregionalising v. Present participle of regionalise.
REGIONALISE v. to divide into regions or administrative districts, also REGIONALIZE.
REGIONALISTICregionalistic adj. Relating to, or supporting, regionalism.
REGIONALISTIC adj. relating to regionalism.
REGIONALIZINGregionalizing v. Present participle of regionalize.
REGIONALIZE v. to divide into regions or administrative districts, also REGIONALISE.
RELIGIONARIESreligionaries n. Plural of religionary.
RELIGIONARY n. a member of a religious order; a Protestant.
RESOCIALISINGresocialising v. Present participle of resocialise.
RESOCIALISE v. to socialise again, also RESOCIALIZE.
RESOCIALIZINGresocializing v. Present participle of resocialize.
RESOCIALIZE v. to socialize again, also RESOCIALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 32 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 213 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 227 words

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