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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2E, N, 3R and S

COTRANSFERREDcotransferred adj. Transferred along with another.
INTRAPRENEURSintrapreneurs n. Plural of intrapreneur.
INTRAPRENEUR n. a company employee who is not bound by rules or policies and who is free to refine products.
MARIONBERRIESmarionberries n. Plural of marionberry.
MARIONBERRY n. a hybrid fruit, a cross between a loganberry and a wild blackberry.
NECROGRAPHERSnecrographers n. Plural of necrographer.
NECROGRAPHER n. a writer of obituaries.
PEREGRINATORSperegrinators n. Plural of peregrinator.
PEREGRINATOR n. someone who travels about.
PROTERANDRIESPROTERANDRY n. in a hermaphrodite organism, the maturation and loss of the male elements before the female elements develop.
REFERENDARIESreferendaries n. Plural of referendary.
REFERENDARY n. a referee; formerly a court official who was the medium of communication with the Pope, emperor etc.
REMEMBRANCERSremembrancers n. Plural of remembrancer.
Remembrancers n. Plural of Remembrancer.
REMEMBRANCER n. an officer of exchequer.
RESTAURANTEURrestauranteur n. (Sometimes proscribed) Alternative form of restaurateur.
RESTAURANTEUR n. (French) one who frequents restaurants.
RETRANSFERREDretransferred v. Simple past tense and past participle of retransfer.
RETRANSFER v. to transfer again.
RETRANSFORMEDretransformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of retransform.
RETRANSFORM v. to transform again.
SUPERNUMERARYsupernumerary n. A person who works in a group, association, or public office without forming part of the regular staff (the numerary).
supernumerary n. (Film, theater) An extra or walk-on, often non-speaking, in a film or play; a spear carrier.
supernumerary n. Something which is beyond the prescribed or standard amount or number.
TRANSFERRABLEtransferrable adj. Alternative spelling of transferable.
TRANSFERRABLE adj. that can be transferred, also TRANSFERABLE, TRANSFERRIBLE.
TRANSFERRIBLEtransferrible adj. Archaic form of transferable.
TRANSFERRIBLE adj. that can be transferred, also TRANSFERABLE, TRANSFERRABLE.
UNDERCRACKERSundercrackers n. (UK, informal) Men’s underpants.
UNDERCRACKERS n. (slang) underwear.
UNDERSTRAPPERunderstrapper n. Any underling or inferior in office.
understrapper n. A freelance operator for MI5.
UNDERSTRAPPER n. an inferior agent; an underling.
UNTERRESTRIALunterrestrial adj. Not terrestrial.
UNTERRESTRIAL adj. not terrestrial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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