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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2E, 2L, 2T and Y

AESTHETICALLYaesthetically adv. In an aesthetic manner; with a pleasing sensory effect.
æsthetically adv. Obsolete spelling of aesthetically.
AESTHETICAL adv. keenly appreciative of the beautiful, also AESTHETIC, ESTHETIC, ESTHETICAL.
ALTERNATIVELYalternatively adv. In an alternative way.
alternatively adv. (Conjunctive) Used to link a pair of possibilities.
ALTERNATIVE adv. possible as a choice.
CENTRIPETALLYcentripetally adv. Towards a centre or axis.
centripetally adv. Using centripetal force.
CENTRIPETAL adv. tending inwards or developing towards the centre from the outside.
DELECTABILITYdelectability n. The quality of being delectable.
DELECTABILITY n. the state of being delectable.
DENTICULATELYdenticulately adv. In a denticulate manner.
DENTICULATE adv. finely dentate or serrate, also DENTICULATED.
DETRIMENTALLYdetrimentally adv. In a detrimental manner.
DETRIMENTAL adv. harmful.
DYOTHELETICALDYOTHELETICAL adj. relating to dyotheletism, the doctrine that Christ on earth had two wills, human and divine, also DYOTHELITICAL.
EPITHETICALLYepithetically adv. As an epithet.
EPITHETICAL adv. pertaining to, or abounding with, epithets.
EXISTENTIALLYexistentially adv. In an existential manner.
EXISTENTIAL adv. of, relating to, or affirming existence.
INTERDENTALLYinterdentally adv. Between the teeth.
INTERDENTAL adv. pronounced with the tip of the tongue between upper and lower teeth.
INTERSTELLARYinterstellary adj. Archaic form of interstellar.
INTERSTELLARY adj. in the intervals between the stars, also INTERSTELLAR.
PENITENTIALLYpenitentially adv. In a penitential manner.
PENITENTIAL adv. relating to penitence.
PENULTIMATELYpenultimately adv. Next to the last in order.
PENULTIMATE adv. next to the last.
SENTIMENTALLYsentimentally adv. In a sentimental manner.
SENTIMENTAL adv. marked or governed by feeling, sensibility, or emotional idealism.
TERRESTRIALLYterrestrially adv. In a terrestrial manner.
terrestrially adv. Whilst located on Earth, or on land.
TERRESTRIAL adv. living on land.
TETRAHEDRALLYtetrahedrally adv. In a tetrahedral manner; arranged in tetrahedrons.
TETRAHEDRAL adv. of a solid with four sides.
TETRASYLLABLEtetrasyllable n. (Also used attributively) A word comprising four syllables.
TETRASYLLABLE n. a word with four syllables.
THEORETICALLYtheoretically adv. In theory; on paper.
theoretically adv. In a theoretical manner.
THEORETICAL adv. relating to or having the character of theory.
TUBERCULATELYtuberculately adv. In a tuberculate manner.
TUBERCULATE adv. bearing tubercles, knobbly projections or excrescences, also TUBERCULATED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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