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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2E, I, 2L, R and V

ALTERNATIVELYalternatively adv. In an alternative way.
alternatively adv. (Conjunctive) Used to link a pair of possibilities.
ALTERNATIVE adv. possible as a choice.
CORRELATIVELYcorrelatively adv. In a correlative manner.
CORRELATIVE adv. mutually linked, also CORELATIVE.
DECLARATIVELYdeclaratively adv. In a declarative way.
DECLARATIVE adv. making a declaration.
EVERLASTINGLYeverlastingly adv. In an everlasting manner; without end; forever.
everlastingly adv. Perpetually; constantly.
EVERLASTING adv. lasting forever.
EXPLORATIVELYexploratively adv. In an explorative way or fashion.
EXPLORATIVE adv. serving to explore.
INTERCLAVICLEinterclavicle n. (Anatomy) The episternum.
INTERCLAVICLE n. a membrane bone between and beneath the clavicles, present in some fossil amphibians, all reptiles except snakes, and monotremes.
IRREPLEVIABLEirrepleviable adj. (Law) Not capable of being replevied.
IRREPLEVIABLE adj. unable to be replevied, also IRREPLEVISABLE.
OVERPEDALLINGoverpedalling v. Present participle of overpedal.
OVERPEDALLING n. excessive pedalling.
REVEALABILITYrevealability n. The quality or state of being revealable.
REVEALABILITY n. the quality of being revealable.
REVERENTIALLYreverentially adv. In a reverential manner; worshipfully.
REVERENTIAL adv. expressing or having a quality of reverence.
REVERSIONALLYREVERSIONAL adv. relating to a reversion esp. legal.
SUPERLATIVELYsuperlatively adv. In a superlative manner; in the greatest possible way.
SUPERLATIVE adv. excelling.
SURVEILLANCESsurveillances n. Plural of surveillance.
SURVEILLANCE n. (French) a watch kept over someone or something, esp. over a criminal.
ULTRAVIOLENCEultraviolence n. Unnecessary, unprovoked (usually brutal) violence; violent acts simply for the thrill and entertainment of it.
ultra-violence n. Alternative spelling of ultraviolence.
ULTRAVIOLENCE n. extreme violence.
UNDELIVERABLEundeliverable adj. Not able to be delivered.
undeliverable n. A message, parcel, etc. that cannot be delivered.
UNDELIVERABLE adj. not deliverable.
VERTICILLATEDverticillated adj. Alternative form of verticillate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 116 words
  • Scrabble in French: 118 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 125 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 173 words

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