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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, 3E, H, O and 2T

BACHELORETTESbachelorettes n. Plural of bachelorette.
BACHELORETTE n. an unmarried woman.
CATHETOMETERScathetometers n. Plural of cathetometer.
CATHETOMETER n. an instrument for measuring short vertical distances.
CHOLESTERATEScholesterates n. Plural of cholesterate.
CHOLESTERATE n. a salt of cholesteric acid.
ENTEROPATHIESenteropathies n. Plural of enteropathy.
ENTEROPATHY n. a disease of the intestinal tract.
ETHOXYETHANESethoxyethanes n. Plural of ethoxyethane.
ETHOXYETHANE n. a type of ether, aka diethyl ether, an isomer of butanol.
HEMACYTOMETERhemacytometer n. Alternative spelling of hemocytometer.
HEMACYTOMETER n. an instrument for counting blood cells, also HAEMACYTOMETER, HAEMOCYTOMETER, HEMOCYTOMETER.
HEMATOGENETIChematogenetic adj. Alternative form of haematogenetic.
HEMATOGENETIC adj. relating to hematogenesis, the production of blood, also HAEMATOGENETIC.
HEPATECTOMIEShepatectomies n. Plural of hepatectomy.
HEPATECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the liver.
HETEROGAMETESheterogametes n. Plural of heterogamete.
HETEROGAMETE n. male and female sex cells are different.
HETEROGAMETICheterogametic adj. (Biology) That produces heterogametes.
heterogametic adj. (Biology) That produces different forms of the same gamete e.g. spermatozoa containing either an X- or a Y-chromosome.
HETEROGAMETIC adj. having a dissimilar pair of sex chromosomes.
HETEROPTERANSheteropterans n. Plural of heteropteran.
HETEROPTERAN n. a member of the Heteroptera.
HETEROTHERMALheterothermal adj. Alternative form of heterothermic.
HETEROTHERMAL adj. taking the temperature of the surroundings.
METHANOMETERSmethanometers n. Plural of methanometer.
METHANOMETER n. instrument for detecting presence of methane.
METHOTREXATESmethotrexates n. Plural of methotrexate.
METHOTREXATE n. a drug used in the treatment of cancer.
REORCHESTRATEreorchestrate v. To orchestrate again, in a new way.
REORCHESTRATE v. to orchestrate again.
TACHEOMETRIESTACHEOMETRY n. measurement by use of a tacheometer, an instrument for rapidly measuring survey points on a map.
THORACENTESESthoracenteses n. Plural of thoracentesis.
THORACENTESIS n. surgery performed to draw off fluid from the pleural cavity, also THORACOCENTESIS.
TROCHEAMETERStrocheameters n. Plural of trocheameter.
TROCHEAMETER n. a hodometer, also TROCHOMETER.
WEATHEROMETERweatherometer n. A device that measures the controlled weathering of a sample of material under the influence of light…
WEATHEROMETER n. an instrument for measuring weather-resisting properties of paint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 133 words
  • Scrabble in French: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 28 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 24 words

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