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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing A, 3E, H, I, M and R

ARCHEOMETRIESARCHEOMETRY n. the use of scientific methods in archaeology, also ARCHAEOMETRY.
EPICHEIREMATAepicheiremata n. Plural of epicheirema.
EPICHEIREMA n. a syllogism confirmed by an incidental proposition.
GARNISHEEMENTgarnisheement n. The act of garnisheeing.
GARNISHEEMENT n. the act of garnisheeing.
HEREDITAMENTShereditaments n. Plural of hereditament.
HEREDITAMENT n. inheritance; hereditable property.
HERMENEUTICALhermeneutical adj. Of or pertaining to hermeneutics, the study or theory of the methodical interpretation of text, especially holy texts.
HERMENEUTICAL adj. interpretive or explanatory, also HERMENEUTIC.
HETEROGAMETICheterogametic adj. (Biology) That produces heterogametes.
heterogametic adj. (Biology) That produces different forms of the same gamete e.g. spermatozoa containing either an X- or a Y-chromosome.
HETEROGAMETIC adj. having a dissimilar pair of sex chromosomes.
MEGAHERBIVOREmegaherbivore n. (Biology) Any very large herbivore, typically one weighing more than 1000 kg.
MEGAHERBIVORE n. a large plant-eater.
MESOTHERAPIESmesotherapies n. Plural of mesotherapy.
MESOTHERAPY n. a type of cosmetic procedure involving the injection of minute doses of vitamins etc. under the skin.
OVEREMPHASISEoveremphasise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of overemphasize.
OVEREMPHASISE v. to emphasise to excess, also OVEREMPHASIZE.
OVEREMPHASIZEoveremphasize v. To place too much emphasis on; to overstate the importance of.
OVEREMPHASIZE v. to emphasise to excess, also OVEREMPHASISE.
PENTHEMIMERALpenthemimeral adj. (Prosody) Relating to a penthemimer.
PENTHEMIMERAL adj. of or like a penthemimer, a metrical group of two and a half feet.
PHENMETRAZINEphenmetrazine n. A sympathomimetic drug that acts as a stimulant in the central nervous system.
PHENMETRAZINE n. a stimulant used in the form of its hydrochloride as an appetite suppressant.
TACHEOMETRIESTACHEOMETRY n. measurement by use of a tacheometer, an instrument for rapidly measuring survey points on a map.
THERMESTHESIAthermesthesia n. The ability to feel heat.
THERMESTHESIA n. sensitivity to various degrees of heat and cold, also THERMAESTHESIA.
WHIGMALEERIESWHIGMALEERIE n. (Scots) a trinket or knickknack; a fantastic ornamentation; a whim, also WHIGMALEERY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 85 words
  • Scrabble in French: 58 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 47 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 91 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 53 words

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