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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, E, O, 3R, T and Y

AGROFORESTRYagroforestry n. An agricultural approach of using the interactive benefits from combining trees and shrubs with crops…
AGROFORESTRY n. land management involving the growing of trees in association with food crops or pastures.
BARRETROUSLYBARRETROUS adv. tainted with, or constituting, barratry, also BARRATROUS.
DEXTROROTARYdextrorotary adj. Dextrorotatory.
DEXTROROTARY adj. turning to the right, esp. turning plane of polarized light, also DEXTROROTATORY.
EXPROBRATORYexprobratory adj. Expressing, or relating to, exprobration.
EXPROBRATORY adj. expressing reproach, also EXPROBRATIVE.
HYPERREACTORhyperreactor n. One who hyperreacts.
HYPERREACTOR n. one who reacts in the extreme.
OVERLITERARYoverliterary adj. Excessively literary.
OVERLITERARY adj. excessively literary.
PERFORMATORYperformatory adj. Synonym of performative.
PERFORMATORY adj. of a statement or verb that itself constitutes the action described, also PERFORMATIVE.
PERSPIRATORYperspiratory adj. (Dated) Of or pertaining to perspiration.
PERSPIRATORY adj. of, relating to, secreting, or inducing perspiration.
PERTURBATORYperturbatory adj. Relating to, or causing, perturbation.
perturbatory n. (Obsolete) The supposed power of deflecting the divining rod by magnetic influence.
PERTURBATORY n. something tending to perturb.
PRESERVATORYpreservatory n. (Obsolete) A preservative.
preservatory n. (Obsolete) A room or apparatus in which perishable things can be preserved without decay.
preservatory adj. Preservative.
PYROTARTRATEpyrotartrate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of pyrotartaric acid.
PYROTARTRATE n. a salt of tartaric acid.
RECUPERATORYrecuperatory adj. Of or relating to recuperation; tending to recovery.
RECUPERATORY adj. assisting in recuperation.
REFRACTORILYrefractorily adv. In a refractory manner.
REFRACTORY adv. unruly, stubborn.
REGENERATORYregeneratory adj. Having power to renew; regenerative.
REGENERATORY adj. serving to regenerate.
REMUNERATORYremuneratory adj. Remunerative; serving to remunerate.
REMUNERATORY adj. relating to remuneration.
RETROGRADELYretrogradely adv. (Sciences) With a backward motion.
RETROGRADE adv. going backwards.
TETRAPYRROLEtetrapyrrole n. (Biochemistry) any of several natural pigments having a structure of four pyrrole rings connected by…
TETRAPYRROLE n. a chemical group consisting of four pyrrole rings joined either in a straight chain or in a ring, as in chlorophyll.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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