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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, E, M, O, 2S, T and Y

ABSTEMIOUSLYabstemiously adv. Marked by abstinence or restraint, especially in relation to food or drink.
ABSTEMIOUS adv. sparing, esp. in matters of eating and drinking.
ASCOMYCETOUSascomycetous adj. (Mycology) Of or relating to the ascomycetes.
ASCOMYCETOUS adj. relating to ascomycete.
ATTORNEYISMSattorneyisms n. Plural of attorneyism.
ATTORNEYISM n. the state of being an attorney.
FATHOMLESSLYfathomlessly adv. In a fathomless manner, to a fathomless degree.
FATHOMLESS adv. incapable of being fathomed.
GYNAECOMASTSgynaecomasts n. Plural of gynaecomast.
gynæcomasts n. Plural of gynæcomast.
GYNAECOMAST n. a man suffering from gynaecomastia.
HAEMATOLYSEShaematolyses n. Plural of haematolysis.
HAEMATOLYSIS n. breaking up of red blood corpuscles, also HEMATOLYSIS.
HAEMATOLYSIShaematolysis n. Haemolysis.
HAEMATOLYSIS n. breaking up of red blood corpuscles, also HEMATOLYSIS.
MACROCYTOSESmacrocytoses n. Plural of macrocytosis.
MACROCYTOSIS n. the occurrence of macrocytes in the blood.
MASSOTHERAPYmassotherapy n. (Massage) massage as a form of therapy.
MASSOTHERAPY n. therapy using massage.
MYSTAGOGUSESMYSTAGOGUS n. one who teaches mystical doctrines or one who initiates others into religious cults, also MYSTAGOG, MYSTAGOGUE.
PSAMMOPHYTESpsammophytes n. Plural of psammophyte.
PSAMMOPHYTE n. a plant adapted to growing in sand.
SCYPHISTOMAEscyphistomae n. Plural of scyphistoma.
SCYPHISTOMA n. the fixed polypoid stage in the life cycle of a scyphozoan, which reproduces asexually by budding or strobilation.
STONEMASONRYstonemasonry n. The work or art of a stonemason.
STONEMASONRY n. the craft of the stonemason.
SYNAPTOSOMESsynaptosomes n. Plural of synaptosome.
SYNAPTOSOME n. a nerve ending that is isolated from homogenized nerve tissue.
TRYPANOSOMEStrypanosomes n. Plural of trypanosome.
TRYPANOSOME n. a parasite causing sleeping sickness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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