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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, E, L, M, N, 2O and U

AMINOTOLUENEaminotoluene n. (Organic chemistry) Synonym of toluidine.
AMINOTOLUENE n. another name for toluidine.
ANEMOPHILOUSanemophilous adj. (Botany) Pollinated by the wind.
ANEMOPHILOUS adj. pollinated by wind.
COMPOUNDABLEcompoundable adj. That can be compounded.
COMPOUNDABLE adj. that can be compounded.
DEMODULATIONdemodulation n. The inverse of the effect of modulation, or applying a signal to a carrier.
DEMODULATION n. the act of demodulating.
HOMOLOGUMENAHomologumena n. Alternative form of Homologoumena.
HOMOLOGUMENA n. the books of the New Testament whose authenticity was universally acknowledged in the early Church, also HOMOLOGOUMENA.
LOMENTACEOUSlomentaceous adj. (Botany) Of the nature of a loment; having fruits like loments.
LOMENTACEOUS adj. bearing lomenta.
MONADELPHOUSmonadelphous adj. (Botany) Having all its stamens within a flower fused together at least partly by the filaments.
MONADELPHOUS adj. united by filaments into a single stamen.
MONONUCLEARSmononuclears n. Plural of mononuclear.
MONONUCLEAR n. a mononuclear cell.
MONONUCLEATEmononucleate adj. (Biology, of a cell) Having a single nucleus.
mononucleate n. A cell that has a single nucleus.
MONONUCLEATE adj. having a single nucleus, also MONONUCLEATED.
MONOPETALOUSmonopetalous adj. (Botany) Having only one petal, or the corolla in one piece, or composed of petals cohering so as to…
MONOPETALOUS adj. having petals united.
MONOSEPALOUSmonosepalous adj. (Botany, of a calyx) having all sepals united.
MONOSEPALOUS adj. sepals fused.
MOTONEURONALmotoneuronal adj. Relating to a motor neuron.
MOTONEURONAL adj. relating to a motoneuron.
NEUROHUMORALneurohumoral adj. (Anatomy) Of, pertaining to, or produced by a neurohumor.
NEUROHUMORAL adj. relating to neurohumor.
NONMOLECULARnonmolecular adj. Not molecular.
NONMOLECULAR adj. not molecular.
PNEUMATOLOGYpneumatology n. The study of spiritual beings and phenomena, especially the interactions between humans and God.
pneumatology n. (Christianity, theology) The study of the Holy Spirit as revealed in Scripture.
pneumatology n. The science dealing with air or gases, their physical and chemical properties, therapeutic applications, etc.
PNEUMOCOCCALpneumococcal adj. Of, pertaining to or caused by a pneumococcus bacterium.
PNEUMOCOCCAL adj. of or like a pneumococcus, a bacterium that causes an acute pneumonia involving one or more lobes of the lung.
UNCOMPOSABLEuncomposable adj. Impossible to compose, or put together.
uncomposable adj. Incapable of being composed or reconciled.
UNCOMPOSABLE adj. that cannot be composed.
UNECONOMICALuneconomical adj. (Finance) not economical.
UNECONOMICAL adj. not economically practicable, also UNECONOMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 47 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 32 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 52 words

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