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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, E, I, 3N and 2O

CONDEMNATIONcondemnation n. The act of condemning or pronouncing to be wrong.
condemnation n. The act of judicially condemning, or adjudging guilty, unfit for use, or forfeited; the act of dooming…
condemnation n. The state of being condemned.
CONDENSATIONcondensation n. The act or process of condensing or of being condensed.
condensation n. The state of being condensed.
condensation n. (Physics) The conversion of a gas to a liquid.
CONNECTIONALconnectional adj. Of or pertaining to connections.
connectional adj. Of or pertaining to connectionalism.
CONNECTIONAL adj. relating to connection.
CONSONANCIESconsonancies n. Plural of consonancy.
CONSONANCY n. a state of accord or agreement, also CONSONANCE.
CONTENTATIONcontentation n. (Obsolete) contentment; satisfaction.
CONTENTATION n. (obsolete) being content.
CONVENTIONALconventional adj. Pertaining to a convention, as in following generally accepted principles, methods and behaviour.
conventional adj. Ordinary, commonplace.
conventional adj. Banal, trite, hackneyed, unoriginal or clichéd.
DENOMINATIONdenomination n. (Uncountable) The act of naming or designating.
denomination n. (Countable) That by which anything is denominated or styled; an epithet; a name, designation, or title;…
denomination n. (Countable, religion) A class, or society of individuals, called by the same name; a subdivision of a religion.
ENVENOMATIONenvenomation n. The injection of a venom by means of a sting, etc.
envenomation n. The deterioration in the surface quality of a plastic that is in contact with another material.
HOOTENANNIEShootenannies n. Plural of hootenanny.
HOOTENANNIE n. (US) a party with folksinging and sometimes dancing, also HOOTANANNIE, HOOTANANNY, HOOTENANNY, HOOTNANNIE, HOOTNANNY.
INCONSONANCEinconsonance n. Lack of consonance or harmony; disagreement.
INCONSONANCE n. lack of consonance or harmony.
NEONOMIANISMNeonomianism prop.n. (Theology) The doctrine that the Gospel is a new law whose requirements are fulfilled by faith and repentance…
NEONOMIANISM n. the theory that the gospel abrogates earlier moral codes.
NONCOLLINEARnoncollinear adj. Not collinear.
NONCOLLINEAR adj. not collinear.
NONEDUCATIONnoneducation adj. Not of or pertaining to education.
NONEDUCATION adj. not related to education.
NONEMOTIONALnonemotional adj. Not emotional; unrelated to emotion.
NONEMOTIONAL adj. not emotional.
NONNORMATIVEnonnormative adj. Not normative.
NONNORMATIVE adj. not normative.
NONOPERATINGnonoperating adj. Not operating.
nonoperating adj. Not of or pertaining to operation.
non-operating adj. Alternative form of nonoperating.
RENOMINATIONrenomination n. The act of renominating, of nominating again.
RENOMINATION n. the act of nominating again, e.g. for a second term.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 108 words
  • Scrabble in French: 131 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 66 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 247 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 8 words

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