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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, E, I, 2L, 2O and R

AILOUROPHILEailourophile n. Alternative spelling of ailurophile.
AILOUROPHILE n. a cat-lover, also AILUROPHILE.
BIOMOLECULARbiomolecular adj. (Biochemistry) Relating to biomolecules (especially macromolecules).
BIOMOLECULAR adj. relating to biomolecules.
CLOTRIMAZOLEclotrimazole n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) An antifungal medication used to treat humans and animals, C22H17
EROTOLOGICALerotological adj. Relating to erotology.
EROTOLOGICAL adj. related to erotology.
HALOPERIDOLShaloperidols n. Plural of haloperidol.
HALOPERIDOL n. a synthetic tranquillizing drug used in treating psychiatric illnesses.
HELIOLATROUSheliolatrous adj. Worshipping the Sun.
HELIOLATROUS adj. relating to heliolatry.
HIEROLOGICALhierological adj. Relating to hierology.
HIEROLOGICAL adj. relating to hierology, the science of sacred matters, also HIEROLOGIC.
KILOCALORIESkilocalories n. Plural of kilocalorie.
KILOCALORIE n. one thousand calories.
LORDOLATRIESLORDOLATRY n. worship of nobility.
MEREOLOGICALmereological adj. (Philosophy, logic) Of or pertaining to mereology, a collection of axiomatic first-order theories dealing…
MEREOLOGICAL adj. related to mereology, the formal study of the logical properties of the relation between part and whole.
METROLOGICALmetrological adj. Of or pertaining to metrology.
METROLOGICAL adj. relating to metrology, also METROLOGIC.
NECROLOGICALnecrological adj. Of or pertaining to a necrology.
NECROLOGICAL adj. relating to necrology, the study of corpses, also NECROLOGIC.
NEUROLOGICALneurological adj. Dealing with neurology, the study of the brain.
NEUROLOGICAL adj. relating to neurology, the study of nerves, also NEUROLOGIC.
NONCOLLINEARnoncollinear adj. Not collinear.
NONCOLLINEAR adj. not collinear.
OROGENICALLYorogenically adv. In terms of, or by means of, orogeny.
OROGENIC adv. relating to the formation of mountains.
PETROLOGICALpetrological adj. Of or pertaining to petrology, the study of rock formation and composition.
PETROLOGICAL adj. relating to petrology, also PETROLOGIC.
PRECOLONIALSprecolonials n. Plural of precolonial.
REALLOCATIONreallocation n. The act of reallocating; a second or subsequent allocation.
REALLOCATION n. the act of reallocating.
REVOLUTIONALrevolutional adj. (Rare, nonstandard) revolutionary.
REVOLUTIONAL adj. of or like revolution.
TRIFOLIOLATEtrifoliolate adj. (Botany) Having three leaflets, as some compound leaves do.
trifoliolate n. (Botany) A plant of this kind.
TRIFOLIOLATE adj. of a compound leaf with three radial leaflets.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 91 words
  • Scrabble in French: 56 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 55 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 168 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 584 words

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