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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, E, 2I, M, R, T and Y

AXISYMMETRICaxisymmetric adj. Exhibiting symmetry around an axis; exhibiting cylindrical symmetry.
axi-symmetric adj. Alternative form of axisymmetric.
AXISYMMETRIC adj. symmetrical in respect to an axis, also AXISYMMETRICAL.
BIMESTRIALLYbimestrially adv. Every two months.
BIMESTRIAL adv. occurring every two months; lasting two months.
HERMITICALLYhermitically adv. Misspelling of hermetically.
HERMITICAL adv. of or like a hermit, also HERMITIC.
IMMATERIALLYimmaterially adv. In an immaterial manner.
IMMATERIAL adv. not consisting of matter.
IMPERATIVELYimperatively adv. In an imperative manner.
IMPERATIVE adv. expressive of command, advice or request.
INTERMEDIACYintermediacy n. (Uncountable) The condition of being intermediate.
intermediacy n. (Countable) intervention.
INTERMEDIACY n. the act or action of intermediating.
INTERMEDIARYintermediary adj. Intermediate.
intermediary n. An agent acting as a mediator between sides to facilitate agreement or cooperation.
intermediary n. A person or organisation in an intermediate position (In a transaction, agreement, supply chain etc.).
INTERMINABLYinterminably adv. In an interminable manner; (seemingly) endlessly.
INTERMINABLE adv. having or seeming to have no end.
LITERARYISMSliteraryisms n. Plural of literaryism.
LITERARYISM n. a bookish expression.
MEMORABILITYmemorability n. The quality or state of being memorable.
MEMORABILITY n. the state of being memorable.
MERCURIALITYmercuriality n. Mercurial behaviour.
MERCURIALITY n. the state of being mercurial.
MERISTICALLYmeristically adv. In terms of meristics.
MERISTIC adv. pertaining to the number or variation of body parts.
NUMERABILITYnumerability n. The quality of being numerable.
NUMERABILITY n. the quality of being numerable.
PERMEABILITYpermeability n. The property of being permeable.
permeability n. The rate of flow of a fluid through a porous material.
permeability n. (Geology) A measure of the ability of a rock to transmit fluids (such as oil or water).
PYRITHIAMINEpyrithiamine n. A particular antibiotic that is an analogue of thiamine.
PYRITHIAMINE n. an antivitamin causing thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency.
REMOVABILITYremovability n. The state of being removable.
REMOVABILITY n. the state of being removable.
RUMINATIVELYruminatively adv. In a ruminative way.
RUMINATIVE adv. tending to ruminate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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