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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, E, G, N, 2O, P and T

ANTHROPOGENYanthropogeny n. The study of human origins, human generation, or the origin and development of man.
ANTHROPOGENY n. the study of human generation or evolution.
ANTIGROPELOSantigropelos n. (Dated) Waterproof leggings.
ANTIGROPELOS n. waterproof leggings, also ANTIGROPELOES.
HEPATOGENOUShepatogenous adj. (Medicine) Synonym of hepatogenic.
HEPATOGENOUS adj. originating in the liver.
NONOPERATINGnonoperating adj. Not operating.
nonoperating adj. Not of or pertaining to operation.
non-operating adj. Alternative form of nonoperating.
OPPIGNORATEDoppignorated v. Simple past tense and past participle of oppignorate.
OPPIGNORATE v. (obsolete) to pawn, also OPPIGNERATE.
OPPIGNORATESoppignorates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of oppignorate.
OPPIGNORATE v. (obsolete) to pawn, also OPPIGNERATE.
ORGANOLEPTICorganoleptic adj. Of or pertaining to the sensory properties of a particular food or chemical, the taste, colour, odour, and feel.
organoleptic n. Such a property.
ORGANOLEPTIC adj. involving use of the sense organs.
PALEONTOLOGYpaleontology n. (American spelling) Study of the forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times, especially…
PALEONTOLOGY n. the study of fossils, also PALAEONTOLOGY.
PATHOGNOMIESpathognomies n. Plural of pathognomy.
PATHOGNOMY n. the science of the signs by which human diseases are indicated.
PERINATOLOGYperinatology n. A branch of obstetrics focusing on the medical and surgical management of high-risk pregnancies.
PHOTOENGRAVEphotoengrave v. To make a photoengraving of an image.
PHOTOENGRAVE v. to make a photoengraving of.
PHOTOGELATINphotogelatin n. Gelatin, coated on a glass plate, that carries an image to be printed by the collotype process.
PHOTOGELATIN adj. as in photogelatin process, another name for collotype.
PHOTOMONTAGEphotomontage n. (Photography) A composite image combining two or more photographs.
photomontage n. (Photography) The art of constructing such images.
PHOTOMONTAGE n. montage using photographic images.
PLACENTOLOGYplacentology n. (Medicine) The study of the placenta.
PLACENTOLOGY n. the scientific study of placentae.
PNEUMATOLOGYpneumatology n. The study of spiritual beings and phenomena, especially the interactions between humans and God.
pneumatology n. (Christianity, theology) The study of the Holy Spirit as revealed in Scripture.
pneumatology n. The science dealing with air or gases, their physical and chemical properties, therapeutic applications, etc.
POTAMOGETONSpotamogetons n. Plural of potamogeton.
POTAMOGETON n. a plant of the pondweed genus of water plants, with floating and submerged leaves.
POWERBOATINGpowerboating n. The act of travelling in a powerboat.
POWERBOATING n. the sport of driving a powerboat.
PROTEOGLYCANproteoglycan n. (Biochemistry) Any of many glycoproteins that have heteropolysaccharide side chains.
PROTEOGLYCAN n. any of a class of glycoproteins of high molecular weight that are found esp. in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue.
STENOPHAGOUSstenophagous adj. (Ecology) Feeding on a limited variety of food.
STENOPHAGOUS adj. of animals, feeding on a single type or limited variety of food.
UNAPOLOGETICunapologetic adj. Not apologetic for having said or done something that causes actual or potential harm, especially when…
UNAPOLOGETIC adj. not apologetic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 97 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 64 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 40 words

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