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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, E, G, M, O, S, T and U

BEAUMONTAGESBEAUMONTAGE n. a composition for hiding cracks and holes in wood or iron, varying in makeup, also BEAUMONTAGUE.
BURGOMASTERSburgomasters n. Plural of burgomaster.
BURGOMASTER n. (Dutch) the mayor of a Dutch or Flemish town.
GAMETOGENOUSgametogenous adj. Of or pertaining to gametogenesis.
GAMETOGENOUS adj. relating to gametogenesis, also GAMETOGENIC.
GAMOPETALOUSgamopetalous adj. (Botany) Having petals wholly or partially fused in such a way that the corolla takes the form of a…
GAMOPETALOUS adj. petals partially fused.
GEMMULATIONSgemmulations n. Plural of gemmulation.
GEMMULATION n. formation of gemmules.
HEMATOGENOUShematogenous adj. Producing blood.
hematogenous adj. Spread by blood.
HEMATOGENOUS adj. producing blood, also HAEMATOGENOUS.
HETEROGAMOUSheterogamous adj. (Botany) in which the stamens and pistils are not present in every flower; i.e. there are male and female flowers.
heterogamous adj. (Biology) characterized by alternating generations of a parthenogenetic and sexual nature.
heterogamous adj. (Biology) involving heterogametes in the reproductive process.
MAGNETOPAUSEmagnetopause n. The boundary between the Earth’s magnetosphere and the sun’s plasma.
MAGNETOPAUSE n. the outer boundary of a magnetosphere.
MESOGASTRIUMmesogastrium n. (Anatomy) The part of the embryonic mesentery that includes the stomach.
MESOGASTRIUM n. the mesentery supporting the embryonic stomach.
MESOGNATHOUSmesognathous adj. (Anatomy) having the jaws slightly projecting; between prognathous and orthognathous.
MESOGNATHOUS adj. having slightly projecting jaws.
METAGNATHOUSmetagnathous adj. (Zoology) having the mandibles crossing at the tip of the bill, as in the crossbill.
METAGNATHOUS adj. having a beak in which the tips of the mandibles cross.
MISCATALOGUEmiscatalogue v. Alternative form of miscatalog.
MYSTAGOGUSESMYSTAGOGUS n. one who teaches mystical doctrines or one who initiates others into religious cults, also MYSTAGOG, MYSTAGOGUE.
NONARGUMENTSnonarguments n. Plural of nonargument.
NONARGUMENT n. something that is not an argument.
OUTMARRIAGESoutmarriages n. Plural of outmarriage.
OUTMARRIAGE n. marriage outside the social group.
OUTMASTERINGoutmastering v. Present participle of outmaster.
OUTMASTER v. to surpass.
OUTMEASURINGoutmeasuring v. Present participle of outmeasure.
OUTMEASURE v. to exceed in measure or extent.
OUTSCREAMINGoutscreaming v. Present participle of outscream.
OUTSCREAM v. to surpass at screaming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 73 words
  • Scrabble in French: 39 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 100 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 34 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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