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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, E, G, I, P, R, T and U

APPOGGIATUREappoggiature n. Plural of appoggiatura.
APPOGGIATURA n. (Italian) a short note placed before a longer one.
AUTOGRAPHIESautographies n. Plural of autography.
AUTOGRAPHY n. the act of writing with one's own hand; something handwritten.
EQUIPARATINGEQUIPARATE v. (obsolete) to regard or treat as equal.
EXPURGATIONSexpurgations n. Plural of expurgation.
EXPURGATION n. the act of expurgating.
GRADUATESHIPgraduateship n. The state of being a graduate.
GRADUATESHIP n. the state of being a graduate.
OUTPREACHINGoutpreaching v. Present participle of outpreach.
OUTPREACH v. to surpass in preaching.
OUTSPREADINGoutspreading v. Present participle of outspread.
OUTSPREAD v. to spread out.
PASTEURISINGpasteurising v. Present participle of pasteurise.
PASTEURISE v. to treat milk so as to kill germs, also PASTEURIZE.
PASTEURIZINGpasteurizing v. Present participle of pasteurize.
PASTEURIZE v. to treat milk so as to kill germs, also PASTEURISE.
PERPETUATINGperpetuating v. Present participle of perpetuate.
PERPETUATE v. to make perpetual or cause to last indefinitely.
PERTURBATINGperturbating v. Present participle of perturbate.
PERTURBATE v. to perturb.
PREADJUSTINGpreadjusting v. Present participle of preadjust.
PREADJUST v. to adjust in advance.
PREFIGURATEDprefigurated v. Simple past tense and past participle of prefigurate.
PREFIGURATE v. to prefigure.
PREFIGURATESprefigurates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prefigurate.
PREFIGURATE v. to prefigure.
PREGUSTATIONpregustation n. The act of tasting beforehand; foretaste.
PREGUSTATION n. a foretaste.
RECUPERATINGrecuperating v. Present participle of recuperate.
RECUPERATE v. to get back, recover.
REPOPULATINGrepopulating v. Present participle of repopulate.
REPOPULATE v. to populate again.
SUPERGRAVITYsupergravity n. (Physics) A field theory combining supersymmetry and general relativity.
SUPERGRAVITY n. any of various theories in physics that are based on supersymmetry and attempt to unify general relativity and quantum theory and that state that the principal transmitter of gravity is the graviton.
SUPERHEATINGsuperheating v. Present participle of superheat.
superheating n. The heating of a substance above a temperature at which a change of state normally occurs, without it…
SUPERHEAT v. to heat to excess.
VITUPERATINGvituperating v. Present participle of vituperate.
VITUPERATE v. to abuse or censure severely or abusively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 41 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 90 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 85 words

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