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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing A, E, G, H, N, O, R and Y

ANTHROPOGENYanthropogeny n. The study of human origins, human generation, or the origin and development of man.
ANTHROPOGENY n. the study of human generation or evolution.
ANTIHYDROGENantihydrogen n. (Physics, uncountable) The antimatter equivalent of hydrogen, consisting of an antiproton and an positron…
antihydrogen n. (Physics, countable) An atom of the antimatter equivalent of hydrogen.
ANTIHYDROGEN n. an antimatter form of hydrogen.
HEADSTRONGLYheadstrongly adv. In a headstrong manner.
HEADSTRONG adv. impetuous.
HYDROGENASEShydrogenases n. Plural of hydrogenase.
HYDROGENASE n. an enzyme that catalyzes hydrogen formation in certain microorganisms.
HYDROGENATEDhydrogenated v. Simple past tense and past participle of hydrogenate.
hydrogenated adj. That has been treated, or reacted with hydrogen; especially describing a saturated fat so obtained from…
HYDROGENATE v. to combine or treat with hydrogen.
HYDROGENATEShydrogenates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hydrogenate.
HYDROGENATE v. to combine or treat with hydrogen.
HYDROGENATORhydrogenator n. (Chemistry) A device that hydrogenates.
HYDROGENATOR n. an agent that hydrogenates.
HYMNOGRAPHERhymnographer n. A writer whose subject is hymns.
hymnographer n. A person who composes hymns.
HYMNOGRAPHER n. one who writes hymns.
MONEYCHANGERmoneychanger n. Alternative spelling of money changer.
money-changer n. Alternative spelling of money changer.
money␣changer n. A person who will exchange currency of one type for another for a fee or percentage.
OCEANOGRAPHYoceanography n. The exploration and scientific study of the oceans and ocean floor.
OCEANOGRAPHY n. the study of the oceans.
OROPHARYNGESoropharynges n. Plural of oropharynx.
OROPHARYNX n. the part of the pharynx between the soft palate and the epiglottis.
PARAHYDROGENparahydrogen n. (Physics) The form of the hydrogen molecule (H2) in which the two nuclei have antiparallel spin; about…
PARAHYDROGEN n. a spin isomer of hydrogen.
SELENOGRAPHYselenography n. (Astronomy, geography, cartography) The scientific study of the Moon’s geographic features; geography of the Moon.
SELENOGRAPHY n. the branch of astronomy dealing with the physical features of the moon.
TECHNOGRAPHYtechnography n. The description of the arts and crafts of tribes and peoples.
technography n. (Telecommunications) Live capture of meeting notes while projecting the real-time transcription to participants.
TECHNOGRAPHY n. the description of arts and crafts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 90 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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