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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, E, 2G, N, R and 2S

AGGRANDISERSaggrandisers n. Plural of aggrandiser.
AGGRANDISER n. one who aggrandises, also AGGRANDIZER.
BEGGARLINESSbeggarliness n. (Rare) The state or characteristic of being or resembling a beggar; destitution.
BEGGARLINESS n. the state of being beggarly.
CRAGGINESSEScragginesses n. Plural of cragginess.
CRAGGINESS n. the quality of being craggy.
GAMMERSTANGSgammerstangs n. Plural of gammerstang.
GAMMERSTANG n. (dialect) a tall, awkward person, usually a woman.
GANGSTERDOMSgangsterdoms n. Plural of gangsterdom.
GANGSTERDOM n. the world of gangsters.
GANGSTERISMSgangsterisms n. Plural of gangsterism.
GANGSTERISM n. the ethos of the gangster.
GRASPINGNESSgraspingness n. The quality of being grasping.
GRASPINGNESS n. the state of being grasping.
OVERGRASSINGovergrassing n. (Dated) Excessive grazing by livestock.
OVERGRASS v. to grass over, conceal with grass.
PREASSIGNINGpreassigning v. Present participle of preassign.
PREASSIGN v. to assign in advance.
RAGGEDNESSESraggednesses n. Plural of raggedness.
RAGGEDNESS n. the state of being ragged.
SCRAGGEDNESSscraggedness n. The quality or state of being scragged.
SCRAGGEDNESS n. cragginess.
SEGREGATIONSsegregations n. Plural of segregation.
SEGREGATION n. the act of segregating.
SEIGNIORAGESseigniorages n. Plural of seigniorage.
SEIGNIORAGE n. a government revenue from the manufacture of coins calculated as the difference between the monetary and the bullion value of the silver contained in silver coins.
SLUGGARDNESSsluggardness n. The quality of being a sluggard.
SLUGGARDNESS n. the state of being sluggard.
SPRECHGESANGsprechgesang n. (Music) A form of recitative between speaking and singing.
SPRECHGESANG n. (German) a style of vocal delivery introduced by Schoenberg.
STEGANOGRAMSsteganograms n. Plural of steganogram.
STEGANOGRAM n. a cryptogram, also STEGANOGRAPH.
STRATEGISINGstrategising v. Present participle of strategise.
STRATEGISE v. to devise a strategy or course of action, also STRATEGIZE.
UNAGGRESSIVEunaggressive adj. Not aggressive; peaceable; not violent.
UNAGGRESSIVE adj. not aggressive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 69 words
  • Scrabble in French: 40 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 71 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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