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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, 2E, 2M, N, O and R

AMORTIZEMENTamortizement n. The act or process of amortizing.
AMORTIZEMENT n. the act of amortizing, also AMORTISEMENT.
ANEMOMETRIESanemometries n. Plural of anemometry.
ANEMOMETRY n. the process of ascertaining the force or velocity of the wind.
COMMANDEEREDcommandeered v. Simple past tense and past participle of commandeer.
COMMANDEER v. to compel to perform military service.
COMMANDERIEScommanderies n. Plural of commandery.
COMMANDERY n. the office or rank of a commander.
COMMENSURATEcommensurate adj. Of a proportionate or similar measurable standard.
commensurate adj. (Physics) Describing a crystal in which every atom or molecule is placed in the same relative position.
commensurate v. To reduce to a common measure.
COMMENTARIEScommentaries n. Plural of commentary.
COMMENTARY n. an explanatory treatise.
CYTOMEMBRANEcytomembrane n. (Biology) A membrane found in cytoplasm.
CYTOMEMBRANE n. one of the cellular membranes including those of the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, and Golgi apparatus.
DYNAMOMETERSdynamometers n. Plural of dynamometer.
DYNAMOMETER n. instrument for measuring mechanical force.
EMOLUMENTARYemolumentary adj. Pertaining to an emolument.
EMOLUMENTARY adj. relating to emolument.
HAMMERSTONEShammerstones n. Plural of hammerstone.
HAMMERSTONE n. a stone used as a hammer in the production of tools during the Acheulian period.
HARMONOMETERharmonometer n. (Rare, dated) An instrument for measuring the harmonic relations of sounds.
HARMONOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the harmonic relations of sounds.
MAGNETOMETERmagnetometer n. (Physics) An instrument used to measure the intensity and direction of a magnetic field, especially…
MAGNETOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the intensity of magnetic fields.
MAGNETOMETRYmagnetometry n. (Physics) The measurement of magnetic fields (strength and direction etc).
MAGNETOMETRY n. measurement by magnetometer.
MESOAMERICANmesoamerican adj. Alternative form of Mesoamerican.
Mesoamerican adj. Of or pertaining to Mesoamerica.
Mesoamerican n. A native or inhabitant of Mesoamerica.
METHANOMETERmethanometer n. An instrument, resembling a eudiometer, used to detect the presence and amount of methane, as in coal mines.
METHANOMETER n. instrument for detecting presence of methane.
MISDEMEANORSmisdemeanors n. Plural of misdemeanor.
MISDEMEANOR n. (US) a crime less serious than a felony, also MISDEMEANOUR.
MISDEMEANOURmisdemeanour n. (British spelling) Alternative form of misdemeanor.
MISDEMEANOUR n. in UK formerly, a crime less serious than a felony, also MISDEMEANOR.
NONMETAMERICnonmetameric adj. Not metameric.
NONMETAMERIC adj. not metameric.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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