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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, 2E, I, Q, R, S and U

ACQUIREMENTSacquirements n. Plural of acquirement.
ACQUIREMENT n. a skill of mind or body usually resulting from continued endeavor.
ARQUEBUSIERSarquebusiers n. Plural of arquebusier.
ARQUEBUSIER n. a soldier armed with an arquebus.
BARQUENTINESbarquentines n. Plural of barquentine.
BARQUENTINE n. a three-masted vessel, with the foremast square-rigged, and the mainmast and mizzenmast fore-and-aft-rigged, also BARKANTINE, BARKENTINE, BARQUANTINE.
CHIVALRESQUEchivalresque adj. Characteristic of chivalry.
CHIVALRESQUE adj. relating to or connected with chivalry.
EQUILATERALSequilaterals n. Plural of equilateral.
EQUILATERAL n. a shape with all sides equal.
EQUILIBRATESequilibrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of equilibrate.
EQUILIBRATE v. to bring into or keep in equilibrium.
HARQUEBUSIERharquebusier n. Alternative form of arquebusier.
HARQUEBUSIER n. a soldier armed with an arquebus.
MARQUETERIESmarqueteries n. Plural of marquetery.
marqueteries n. Plural of marqueterie.
MARQUETERIE n. (French) furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal, also MARQUETRY.
MARQUISETTESmarquisettes n. Plural of marquisette.
MARQUISETTE n. a sheer fabric of cotton, rayon, silk, or nylon.
MOUSQUETAIREmousquetaire n. (Historical) A musketeer, especially one of the French royal musketeers of the 17th and 18th centuries…
mousquetaire n. (Historical) A woman’s cloak trimmed with ribbons, with large buttons, fashionable in the mid-19th century.
mousquetaire n. (Historical) A broad turnover linen collar worn in the mid-19th century.
PREQUALIFIESprequalifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prequalify.
PREQUALIFY v. to qualify beforehand, as for a shortlist.
QUADRICEPSESquadricepses n. Plural of quadriceps.
QUADRICEPS n. the great extensor muscle of the knee, divided above into four parts which unite in a single tendon at the knee.
QUADRISECTEDquadrisected v. Simple past tense and past participle of quadrisect.
QUADRISECT v. to divide into four equal parts.
QUAESTUARIESQUAESTUARY n. (Latin) an ancient Roman public treasurer or assistant military commander, also QUAESTOR, QUESTOR.
QUATERNARIESquaternaries n. Plural of quaternary.
QUATERNARY n. a set of four.
QUATERNITIESquaternities n. Plural of quaternity.
QUATERNITY n. fourness; any group of four things.
SESQUIALTERAsesquialtera n. (Music) A ratio of 3:2.
sesquialtera n. (Music) An organ stop that uses two ranks of different pipes.
SESQUIALTERA n. a perfect fifth; three notes against two; an organ stop giving the root, the twelfth and the tierce.
SESQUIALTERSSESQUIALTER n. a mixture stop on an organ.
SESQUITERTIAsesquitertia n. (Obsolete) A ratio of 4 to 3.
sesquitertia n. (Music, obsolete) A perfect fourth, an interval having the ratio of 1 to 1⅓, or 3 to 4.
SESQUITERTIA n. a perfect fourth; a rhythm of three notes against four.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 86 words
  • Scrabble in French: 290 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 381 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 71 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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