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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, 2E, I, O, P, T and V

COMPELLATIVEcompellative n. (Grammar) The name by which a person is addressed; an appellative.
COMPELLATIVE n. compellation.
COMPENSATIVEcompensative adj. That compensates for something; compensatory.
compensative n. (Obsolete) compensation.
COMPENSATIVE adj. relating to compensation, also COMPENSATIONAL.
COOPERATIVEScooperatives n. Plural of cooperative.
co-operatives n. Plural of co-operative.
COOPERATIVE n. an enterprise or organization owned by and operated for the benefit of those using its services.
DEOPPILATIVEdeoppilative n. (Medicine, dated) Any medicine that dissolves obstructions.
DEOPPILATIVE n. any drug which removes obstructions in the body.
EVAPORIMETERevaporimeter n. An atmometer.
EVAPORIMETER n. an instrument for measuring the rate of evaporation, also EVAPOROMETER.
EXPLOITATIVEexploitative adj. In the nature of exploitation; acting to exploit someone or something.
exploitative adj. (More generally) Of or relating to exploitation.
exploitative adj. (Ecology, of competition) Wherein one organism reduces a resource to the point of affecting other organisms.
EXPROBRATIVEexprobrative adj. (Obsolete) Expressing reproach; upbraiding; reproachful.
EXPROBRATIVE adj. expressing reproach, also EXPROBRATORY.
NONOPERATIVEnonoperative adj. Not requiring or involving a medical operation or surgery.
nonoperative adj. Not operative, not operational; inoperative.
nonoperative n. (Uncommon) One who is not an operative (“employee or worker”).
OVEREMPHATICoveremphatic adj. Excessively emphatic, particularly in musical or theatrical interpretation.
OVEREMPHATIC adj. excessively emphatic.
OVERHAPPIESTOVERHAPPY adj. exceedingly happy.
PEJORATIVELYpejoratively adv. In a pejorative manner. Insultingly, disparagingly; so as to belittle another or harm their reputation.
PEJORATIVE adv. implying or imputing evil.
PERFORMATIVEperformative adj. (Philosophy, linguistics) Being enacted as it is said.
performative adj. Being done as a performance in order to create an impression.
performative n. A performative utterance.
POSTMEDIEVALpostmedieval adj. After the Middle Ages.
post-medieval adj. Alternative form of postmedieval.
POSTMEDIEVAL adj. taking place after the mediaeval period.
PREFORMATIVEpreformative n. Chiefly in Semitic languages: a formative letter, syllable, etc., at the beginning of a word.
preformative adj. Of or pertaining to preformation.
preformative adj. Of a thing: forming or affecting something that comes later.
PREOPERATIVEpreoperative adj. Prior to surgery.
preoperative n. A transgender person who has not yet undergone gender reassignment surgery.
PREOPERATIVE adj. occurring before a surgical operation.
PREROGATIVEDprerogatived adj. Endowed with a prerogative, or exclusive privilege.
PREROGATIVED adj. (Shakespeare) possessed of a prerogative.
PREROGATIVESprerogatives n. Plural of prerogative.
PREROGATIVE n. an exclusive or special right, power, or privilege.
PRESERVATIONpreservation n. The act of preserving; care to preserve; act of keeping from destruction, decay or any ill.
preservation n. The state of being preserved, how something has survived.
PRESERVATION n. the act of preserving.
VAPORIMETERSvaporimeters n. Plural of vaporimeter.
VAPORIMETER n. instrument for measuring vapour pressure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 115 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 52 words

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