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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, 2E, G, 2I, N and V

AGENTIVITIESAGENTIVITY n. the state of being agentive.
APPERCEIVINGapperceiving v. Present participle of apperceive.
APPERCEIVE v. to perceive an inner meaning.
EVANGELICISMevangelicism n. Evangelical principles; evangelism.
EVANGELICISM n. being an evangelist.
EVANGELISINGevangelising v. Present participle of evangelise.
EVANGELISE v. to preach the gospel to, also EVANGELIZE.
EVANGELISTICevangelistic adj. Pertaining to evangelism or evangelists; spreading the gospel.
evangelistic adj. Pertaining to the Evangelical school.
evangelistic adj. (Colloquial) Characterised by enthusiasm and a desire to communicate belief.
EVANGELIZINGevangelizing v. Present participle of evangelize.
EVANGELIZE v. to preach the gospel to, also EVANGELISE.
EVISCERATINGeviscerating v. Present participle of eviscerate.
EVISCERATE v. to deprive of the viscera, or entrails, also VISCERATE.
INTERLEAVINGinterleaving v. Present participle of interleave.
interleaving n. The action of interleaving.
interleaving n. Data that has been interleaved. One interleaving of abc and 123, out of twenty, is 1ab2c3.
INTERVILLAGEintervillage adj. Between villages.
INTERVILLAGE adj. between villages.
INTERWEAVINGinterweaving v. Present participle of interweave.
interweaving n. The motion or position of things that interweave; an elaborate tangle.
INTERWEAVE v. to weave together.
INVESTIGABLEinvestigable adj. (Chiefly philosophy and sciences) Capable of being investigated or studied.
INVESTIGABLE adj. able to be investigated.
INVESTIGATEDinvestigated v. Simple past tense and past participle of investigate.
INVESTIGATE v. to observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry.
INVESTIGATESinvestigates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of investigate.
INVESTIGATE v. to observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry.
NEGATIVITIESnegativities n. Plural of negativity.
NEGATIVITY n. the state of being negative.
PRIVATEERINGprivateering v. Present participle of privateer.
privateering n. The operations of a privateer, attacking and looting enemy ships under the auspices of one’s own government.
PRIVATEERING n. operating as a pirate under licence.
REINVIGORATEreinvigorate v. To give new life, energy or strength to someone or something; to revitalize.
REINVIGORATE v. to invigorate again.
VINAIGRETTESvinaigrettes n. Plural of vinaigrette.
VINAIGRETTE n. (French) a salad dressing of oil and wine vinegar with seasoning; a bottle for aromatic vinegar or smelling salts, also VINEGARETTE, VINEGARRETTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 34 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 84 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 51 words

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