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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, 3E, 2I, L and R

DELIBERATIVEdeliberative adj. That deliberates, considers carefully.
deliberative n. A discourse in which a question is discussed, or weighed and examined.
deliberative n. A kind of rhetoric employed in proving a thing and convincing others of its truth, in order to persuade…
DEMINERALISEdemineralise v. Non-Oxford standard spelling of demineralize.
DEMINERALISE v. to remove the minerals from, also DEMINERALIZE.
DEMINERALIZEdemineralize v. (Transitive) To remove minerals or mineral salts from (a liquid).
DEMINERALIZE v. to remove the minerals from, also DEMINERALISE.
ETERNALITIESETERNALITY n. the quality of being eternal.
EXPERIENTIALexperiential adj. Of, related to, encountered in, or derived from experience.
EXPERIENTIAL adj. relating to, derived from, or providing experience.
GENERALITIESgeneralities n. Plural of generality.
GENERALITY n. the state of being general.
IMPIERCEABLEimpierceable adj. (Obsolete) Not capable of being pierced; impenetrable.
IMPIERCEABLE adj. (obsolete) not pierceable.
INTERLINEATEinterlineate v. (Transitive) To insert between the lines of a document.
INTERLINEATE v. to write between lines.
IRRELIEVABLEirrelievable adj. Not admitting relief; incurable; hopeless.
IRRELIEVABLE adj. that cannot be relieved.
IRREMEDIABLEirremediable adj. Unable to be remedied, cured, corrected or repaired; irreparable, incurable.
IRREMEDIABLE adj. not remediable.
OVERIDEALIZEoveridealize v. (Transitive) To idealize to too great an extent.
OVERIDEALIZE v. to idealize to excess, also OVERIDEALISE.
REMINERALISEremineralise v. Alternative spelling of remineralize.
REMINERALISE v. to replace the depleted mineral content of (bones, teeth, etc.), also REMINERALIZE.
REMINERALIZEremineralize v. To restore the mineral content (after demineralization).
REMINERALIZE v. to replace the depleted mineral content of (bones, teeth, etc.), also REMINERALISE.
SEMILITERATEsemiliterate adj. Not entirely literate; having a limited grasp of the written language.
semiliterate n. A person who is semiliterate.
SEMILITERATE adj. able to read and write on an elementary level.
TEMPERALITIETEMPERALITIE n. (Shakespeare) Mistress Quickly's elaboration of temper, frame of mind.
WHIGMALEERIEWHIGMALEERIE n. (Scots) a trinket or knickknack; a fantastic ornamentation; a whim, also WHIGMALEERY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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