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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing A, 3E, H, N, P and R

APPREHENSIVEapprehensive adj. Anticipating something with anxiety, fear, or doubt.
apprehensive adj. (Obsolete) Perceptive; quick to learn; capable of understanding using one’s intellect.
APPREHENSIVE adj. fearful.
CHEESEPARINGcheeseparing v. Present participle of cheesepare.
cheeseparing adj. Niggardly, stingy.
cheeseparing n. A small fragment or sliver.
CREPEHANGERScrepehangers n. Plural of crepehanger.
CREPEHANGER n. a pessimist, a gloomy person, also CRAPEHANGER.
EPHEMERIDIANEPHEMERIDIAN adj. of or like an ephemerid, an insect of the mayfly family.
HAMPEREDNESSHAMPEREDNESS n. the state of being hampered.
HASENPFEFFERhasenpfeffer n. (Cooking) A traditional German stew made from marinated rabbit or hare, cut into pieces and braised…
HASENPFEFFER n. (German) a well seasoned rabbit stew.
HEBEPHRENIAChebephreniac n. Synonym of hebephrenic.
HEBEPHRENIAC n. one suffering from hebephrenia, a form of dementia occurring at puberty, also HEBEPHRENIC.
HEBEPHRENIAShebephrenias n. Plural of hebephrenia.
HEBEPHRENIA n. a form of dementia occurring at puberty.
HETEROPTERANheteropteran n. (Biology) Any of very many insects of the suborder Heteroptera.
HETEROPTERAN adj. relating to the Heteroptera, a suborder of hemipterous insects, including bedbugs, water bugs, etc., also HETEROPTEROUS.
HETEROPTERAN n. a member of the Heteroptera.
PANTHERESSESpantheresses n. Plural of pantheress.
PANTHERESS n. a female panther.
PARENTHESISEparenthesise v. (British spelling) Alternative form of parenthesize.
PARENTHESISE v. to put in parentheses, also PARENTHESIZE.
PARENTHESIZEparenthesize v. To place text in parentheses.
parenthesize v. To interject.
PARENTHESIZE v. to put in parentheses, also PARENTHESISE.
PERPHENAZINEperphenazine n. A potent anti-psychotic drug.
PERPHENAZINE n. a tranquillizer used esp. to control psychotic symptoms (as anxiety and agitation).
PHENANTHRENEphenanthrene n. (Organic chemistry) A tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon obtained from coal tar; used in the manufacture…
PHENANTHRENE n. an aromatic hydrocarbon of coal tar.
SPEAKERPHONEspeakerphone n. A telephone with a microphone and loudspeaker separate from those in the handset.
speakerphone n. A loudspeaker on a telephone that broadcasts the sound, to use handsfree.
SPEAKERPHONE n. a combination microphone and loudspeaker device for two-way communication by telephone lines.
THREEPEATINGthreepeating v. Present participle of threepeat.
THREEPEAT v. to win a sporting trophy on three consecutive occasions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 34 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 8 words

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