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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, E, O, R, S and 3T

ATTENUATORSattenuators n. Plural of attenuator.
ATTENUATOR n. a device for attenuating.
ATTORNMENTSattornments n. Plural of attornment.
ATTORNMENT n. the acknowledgement of a new landlord.
AUTOROTATESautorotates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of autorotate.
AUTOROTATE v. to self-turn.
PETROSTATESpetrostates n. Plural of petrostate.
PETROSTATE n. a small oil-rich country in which institutions are weak and wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of the few.
PROTECTANTSprotectants n. Plural of protectant.
PROTECTANT n. a protecting agent.
PROTESTANTSprotestants n. Plural of protestant.
Protestants n. Plural of Protestant.
PROTESTANT n. one who protests.
SCATTERSHOTscattershot adj. Covering a broad range in a random and unsystematic way.
SCATTERSHOT adj. random, indiscriminate, wide-ranging, as is shot from a gun.
STACTOMETERstactometer n. Stalagmometer.
STACTOMETER n. a pipette with a hollow bulb in the middle for counting drops, also STAKTOMETER.
STAKTOMETERSTAKTOMETER n. a pipette with a hollow bulb in the middle for counting drops, also STACTOMETER.
STERNUTATORsternutator n. Any chemical agent that causes sneezing.
STERNUTATOR n. a substance which causes sneezing, also STERNUTATIVE, STERNUTATORY.
SUSTENTATORsustentator n. A sustaining part or structure.
SUSTENTATOR n. a sustaining part or structure.
TEETOTALERSteetotalers n. Plural of teetotaler.
TEETOTALER n. one who does not drink alcohol, also TEETOTALIST, TEETOTALLER.
TERRACOTTASterracottas n. Plural of terracotta.
terra-cottas n. Plural of terra-cotta.
terra␣cottas n. Plural of terra cotta.
TETRAPTOTEStetraptotes n. Plural of tetraptote.
TETRAPTOTE n. a noun that has four grammatical cases only.
TETRATHLONStetrathlons n. Plural of tetrathlon.
TETRATHLON n. a four-event sporting contest.
THERMOSTATSthermostats n. Plural of thermostat.
THERMOSTAT v. to provide with or control the temperature of by a thermostat, a device for keeping temperature stead.
TOASTMASTERtoastmaster n. A person who introduces speakers, and proposes toasts at a formal dinner; a master of ceremonies.
TOASTMASTER n. one who presides at a banquet and introduces the after-dinner speakers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 91 words
  • Scrabble in French: 55 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 197 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 57 words

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