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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, E, 2O, P, S, T and U

AUTOPHOBIESAUTOPHOBY n. a shrinking from making any reference to oneself.
AUTOPHONIESAUTOPHONY n. apparent distortion of one's own voice due to infection or stoppage of ears.
AUTOSCOPIESautoscopies n. Plural of autoscopy.
AUTOSCOPY n. a hallucination of an image of one's own body.
FOETIPAROUSfoetiparous adj. Alternative form of fetiparous.
FOETIPAROUS adj. of marsupials, such as the kangaroo, giving birth to incompletely developed offspring, also FETIPAROUS.
ITEROPAROUSiteroparous adj. (Biology) reproducing more than once in a lifetime.
ITEROPAROUS adj. reproducing more than once in a lifetime.
LEPROMATOUSlepromatous adj. Synonym of lepromatoid: Of or relating to leprous lesions (lepromas) or lepromatic leprosy.
LEPROMATOUS adj. characterized by, exhibiting, or being leprosy with infective superficial granulomatous nodules.
PATHOGENOUSpathogenous adj. Pathogenic; causing disease.
PATHOGENOUS adj. producing disease, also PATHOGENETIC, PATHOGENIC.
PROTEACEOUSproteaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Proteaceae of apetalous evergreen shrubs, mostly natives of the…
PROTEACEOUS adj. belonging to the protea family.
SAPOTACEOUSsapotaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Sapotaceae of tropical trees.
SAPOTACEOUS adj. pertaining to or like sapota; belonging to sapota family of trees.
SPONTANEOUSspontaneous adj. Self-generated; happening without any apparent external cause.
spontaneous adj. Done by one’s own free choice, or without planning.
spontaneous adj. Proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external or conscious constraint.
STAUROSCOPEstauroscope n. (Crystallography) An optical instrument used in determining the position of the planes of light-vibration…
STAUROSCOPE n. an instrument for studying the structure of crystals with polarised light.
TEASPOONFULteaspoonful n. A unit of capacity equal to the amount a teaspoon can hold which is taken approximately as 5 ml.
TEASPOONFUL n. the contents of a teaspoon.
TETRAPODOUStetrapodous adj. Tetrapod; four-limbed.
TETRAPODOUS adj. having four feet.
THEOPHAGOUSTHEOPHAGOUS adj. relating to theophagy, the sacramental consumption of a god.
THEOPHANOUSTHEOPHANOUS adj. of or pertaining to a theophany, also THEOPHANIC.
TROPAEOLUMSTROPAEOLUM n. a genus of South American trailing plants.
TROPOPAUSEStropopauses n. Plural of tropopause.
TROPOPAUSE n. the level of the atmosphere where the troposphere ends and stratosphere begins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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