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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, E, M, O, P, R, T and U

APODYTERIUMapodyterium n. (Architecture, historical) The apartment at the entrance of the baths, or in the palestra, for getting undressed.
APODYTERIUM n. an undressing-room at a Roman bath.
AUTOSAMPLERautosampler n. Any of various devices that automate a sampling process.
CHAMPERTOUSchampertous adj. Having the quality of champerty; being an instance of champerty.
CHAMPERTOUS adj. relating to champerty, an illegal contract to finance a lawsuit for a percentage fee.
COMPACTURESCOMPACTURE n. (Spenser) close union or knitting together.
COMPUTERATEcomputerate adj. (Informal) computer-literate.
COMPUTERATE adj. computer literate.
EUPATORIUMSeupatoriums n. Plural of eupatorium.
EUPATORIUM n. any plant of the genus Eupatorium, of tropical America and the Caribbean, cultivated for their ornamental clusters of purple, pink, or white flowers.
HEPTAMEROUSheptamerous adj. (Botany) Comprising seven parts or members, as with seven petals on a flower.
HEPTAMEROUS adj. having seven divisions; having the parts of flower in sevens.
IMPORTUNATEimportunate adj. (Of a demand) Persistent or pressing, often annoyingly so.
importunate adj. (Of a person) Given to importunate demands, greedily or thoughtlessly demanding.
importunate v. (Rare) To importune, or to obtain by importunity.
LEPROMATOUSlepromatous adj. Synonym of lepromatoid: Of or relating to leprous lesions (lepromas) or lepromatic leprosy.
LEPROMATOUS adj. characterized by, exhibiting, or being leprosy with infective superficial granulomatous nodules.
PENTAMEROUSpentamerous adj. (Botany) In five parts; made up of five parts.
PENTAMEROUS adj. having five parts or members.
PERITONAEUMperitonaeum n. Alternative form of peritoneum.
peritonæum n. Obsolete typography of peritonaeum.
PERITONAEUM n. a serous membrane enclosing the viscera in the abdominal and pelvic cavities, also PERITONEUM.
PERMUTATIONpermutation n. One of the ways something exists, or the ways a set of objects can be ordered.
permutation n. (Mathematics) A one-to-one mapping from a finite set to itself.
permutation n. (Mathematics, combinatorics) An ordering of a finite set of distinct elements.
PETROLATUMSpetrolatums n. Plural of petrolatum.
PETROLATUM n. petroleum jelly.
PORTMANTEAUportmanteau n. A large travelling case usually made of leather, and opening into two equal sections.
portmanteau n. (Australia, dated) A schoolbag.
portmanteau n. (Archaic) A hook on which to hang clothing.
PRAETORIUMSPRAETORIUM n. the court or palace of the governor of a Roman province.
PROCTODAEUMproctodaeum n. Alternative spelling of proctodeum.
proctodæum n. Obsolete form of proctodeum.
PROCTODAEUM n. the posterior portion of the alimentary canal, also PROCTODEUM.
PROMULGATEDpromulgated v. Simple past tense and past participle of promulgate.
PROMULGATE v. to make known, disseminate, also PROMULGE.
PROMULGATESpromulgates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of promulgate.
PROMULGATE v. to make known, disseminate, also PROMULGE.
THAUMATROPEthaumatrope n. A toy made of a card with an image on each side; when twirled, the images combine.
thaumatrope n. A zoetrope.
THAUMATROPE n. an optical toy in which pictures on both sides of a card are seen to combine when the card is rotated rapidly.
TROPAEOLUMSTROPAEOLUM n. a genus of South American trailing plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 69 words
  • Scrabble in French: 37 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 49 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 68 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 58 words

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