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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, E, L, N, 2S and 2T

CENTRALISTScentralists n. Plural of centralist.
CENTRALIST n. an adherent of centralism, the centralization of authority.
CONTACTLESScontactless adj. (Of a delivery, exchange, etc., of physical goods) Conducted without human-to-human contact to improve…
contactless adj. That does not use or require contact in order to operate.
contactless adj. That has no contact(s).
DELUSTRANTSdelustrants n. Plural of delustrant.
DELUSTRANT n. a dense inorganic material added to manmade fibres that allows a range of fibres with different lustres to be obtained.
ETERNALISTSeternalists n. Plural of eternalist.
ETERNALIST n. one who holds the existence of matter to be from eternity.
INSTALMENTSinstalments n. Plural of instalment.
INSTALMENT n. one of a series of partial payments, also INSTALLMENT.
LANTERNISTSlanternists n. Plural of lanternist.
LANTERNIST n. a person who works a magic lantern.
NEUTRALISTSneutralists n. Plural of neutralist.
NEUTRALIST n. a neutral; one who professes or practices neutrality.
PATTERNLESSpatternless adj. Without a decorative pattern.
patternless adj. Without a repeating pattern; random.
patternless adj. (Of certain machinery for cutting shapes) That does not cut around a pattern.
PENTASTYLESpentastyles n. Plural of pentastyle.
PENTASTYLE n. a building or portico with five columns.
PLEASANTESTpleasantest adj. Superlative form of pleasant: most pleasant.
PLEASANT adj. pleasing.
SANDLOTTERSsandlotters n. Plural of sandlotter.
SANDLOTTER n. one who occupies a vacant lot.
SANSCULOTTEsansculotte n. Alternative form of sans-culotte.
sans-culotte n. A plebeian Parisian, especially a lower-class republican during the French Revolution.
SANSCULOTTE n. (French) an extreme radical republican in France at the time of the Revolution; a radical or violent extremist in politics.
STATELINESSstateliness n. The quality or state of being stately.
STATELINESS n. the state of being stately.
STATESMANLYstatesmanly adj. Befitting a statesman.
STATESMANLY adj. like a statesman.
STEALTHINGSSTEALTHING n. the act of making e.g. a plane proof against radar.
TACTFULNESStactfulness n. The state or quality of being tactful.
TACTFULNESS n. the state of being tactful.
TAINTLESSLYtaintlessly adv. In a taintless manner.
TAINTLESS adv. free from taint or infection.
TANTALISERStantalisers n. Plural of tantaliser.
TANTALISER n. something or someone that tantalises, also TANTALIZER.
TELEOSTEANSteleosteans n. Plural of teleostean.
TELEOSTEAN n. a type of fish, having a bony skeletons and rayed fins, also TELEOST.
TESSELATINGtesselating v. Present participle of tesselate.
TESSELATE v. to cover with small tiles, also TESSELLATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 103 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 32 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 20 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 15 words

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