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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, E, 2I, O, R, T and U

AUDIOMETRICaudiometric adj. Of or pertaining to audiometry.
audiometric adj. Measured using an audiometer.
AUDIOMETRIC adj. relating to audiometry, the measurement of the acuity of hearing.
AUDITIONERSauditioners n. Plural of auditioner.
AUDITIONER n. one who auditions.
AUTHORITIESauthorities n. Plural of authority.
authorities n. The bodies that have political or administrative power and control in a particular sphere.
authorities n. The bodies that enforce law and order or provide a public service.
CAUTIONRIEScautionries n. Plural of cautionry.
CAUTIONRY n. in Scots law, the act of giving security for another.
ELUTRIATIONelutriation n. The process of separating the lighter particles from the heavier ones by means of an upward directed…
ELUTRIATION n. the act of elutriating.
LATERITIOUSlateritious adj. (Medicine) Like bricks; of a reddish brick colour.
LATERITIOUS adj. brick-red in color.
PROTEINURIAproteinuria n. (Medicine) The presence of protein in the urine.
PROTEINURIA n. the presence of abnormally high levels of protein in the urine, esp. as a symptom of kidney damage.
REPUDIATIONrepudiation n. The act of refusing to accept; the act of repudiating.
REPUDIATION n. the act of repudiating.
UNORIGINATEunoriginate adj. (Theology) Without origin.
UNORIGINATE adj. not originated.
UTOPIANISERutopianiser n. Alternative form of utopianizer.
UTOPIANISER n. one who utopianises, also UTOPIANIZER.
UTOPIANIZERutopianizer n. One who promotes or believes in the idea of a utopia.
UTOPIANIZER n. one who utopianizes, also UTOPIANISER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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