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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, E, H, I, 2N, P and T

ANTIPHONERSantiphoners n. Plural of antiphoner.
ANTIPHONER n. a book of antiphons or of anthems, also ANTIPHONAL, ANTIPHONARY.
ANTIPHONIESantiphonies n. Plural of antiphony.
ANTIPHONY n. antiphonal chanting or singing.
ELEPHANTINEelephantine adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of elephants.
elephantine adj. Very large.
Elephantine prop.n. An island in the river Nile, and the ancient city that occupied it.
HYPHENATINGhyphenating v. Present participle of hyphenate.
HYPHENATE v. to insert a hyphen into.
HYPHENATIONhyphenation n. The inclusion of hyphens; especially, the correct locations of hyphens.
HYPHENATION n. the act of hyphenating.
NAPHTHALINEnaphthaline n. Naphthalene.
NAPHTHALINE n. a white crystalline volatile solid with a characteristic penetrating odour, an aromatic hydrocarbon, also NAPHTHALIN.
NONEMPHATICnonemphatic adj. Not emphatic.
NONEMPHATIC adj. not emphatic.
PANENTHEISMpanentheism n. (Philosophy, religion) A doctrine that the universe subsists within God, but that God nevertheless transcends…
panentheism n. (Rare) A belief in all gods.
Panentheism n. Alternative spelling of panentheism.
PANENTHEISTpanentheist n. A person who believes in panentheism.
PanenTheist n. Alternative spelling of panentheist.
pan-en-theist n. Alternative form of panentheist.
PANTOTHENICpantothenic adj. Of or pertaining to pantothenic acid or its derivatives.
PANTOTHENIC adj. denoting an acid which is a growth-promoting vitamin of vitamin B complex.
PHENACETINSphenacetins n. Plural of phenacetin.
PHENACETIN n. an antipyretic drug.
PHENOLATINGPHENOLATE v. to subject to the action of a phenolate.
PHONETICIANphonetician n. A person who specializes in the physiology, acoustics, and perception of speech.
phonetician n. (Linguistics) A person who specializes in the study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols.
phonetician n. (Linguistics) A dialectologist; a person who studies regional differences in speech sounds.
SYNTHESPIANsynthespian n. A completely computer-generated character who appears in a film or similar work; a virtual actor.
SYNTHESPIAN n. a computer-generated image of a film actor used in place of the actor when filming stunts.
TENANTSHIPStenantships n. Plural of tenantship.
TENANTSHIP n. the state of being a tenant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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