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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, E, H, I, M, R, T and Y

BATHYMETRICbathymetric adj. Of, pertaining to, or derived from bathymetry.
BATHYMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by a bathymeter, also BATHYMETRICAL.
DIATHERMACYDIATHERMACY n. permeability by or conductibility of radiant heat, also DIATHERMANCY.
ERYTHEMATICerythematic adj. (Medicine, dated) Characterized by, or causing, a morbid redness of the skin; relating to erythema.
ERYTHEMATIC adj. relating to erythema, redness of the skin.
ERYTHRAEMIAerythraemia n. Alternative form of erythremia.
ERYTHRAEMIA n. another name for the medical condition polycythaemia vera, also ERYTHREMIA.
ERYTHREMIASerythremias n. Plural of erythremia.
ERYTHREMIA n. another name for the medical condition polycythaemia vera, also ERYTHRAEMIA.
ERYTHRISMALerythrismal adj. Having an abnormally prevalent red pigmentation, having the condition erythrism.
ERYTHRISMAL adj. suffering from erythrism, also ERYTHRISTIC.
EURYTHMICALEURYTHMICAL adj. relating to eurhythmy, rhythmical movement or order; harmony of proportion, also EURHYTHMIC, EURHYTHMICAL, EURYTHMIC.
HEMIELYTRALHEMIELYTRAL adj. relating to the hemielytron, the insect forewing, also HEMELYTRAL.
HEMIHYDRATEhemihydrate n. (Chemistry) A hydrate whose solid contains one molecule of water of crystallization per two molecules…
HEMIHYDRATE n. a hydrate, such as plaster of paris, containing half a mole of water to one mole of the compound forming the hydrate.
HYPERTHYMIAhyperthymia n. A personality type characterized by an excessively positive disposition similar to, but more stable…
HYPERTHYMIA n. excessive emotionalism.
HYPOTHERMIAhypothermia n. (Pathology) Abnormally low body temperature; specifically, below 35 degrees Celsius for humans.
HYPOTHERMIA n. subnormal temperature of the body.
METHACRYLICmethacrylic adj. Of or pertaining to methacrylic acid or its derivatives.
METHACRYLIC adj. denoting a type of acid.
RADIOTHERMYRADIOTHERMY n. the treatment of disease by means of heat generated by electromagnetic radiation.
RHEUMATICKYrheumaticky adj. (Colloquial) Of, pertaining to or having rheumatism.
RHEUMATICKY adj. suffering from rheumatism.
SYMPATHISERsympathiser n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of sympathizer.
SYMPATHISER n. one who sympathises, also SYMPATHIZER.
SYMPATHIZERsympathizer n. (Often derogatory) A person who sympathizes (With a political cause, a side in a conflict, etc.); a supporter.
sympathizer n. (Now rare) A person who has, shows or expresses sympathy (with another person or people); a person who…
SYMPATHIZER n. one who sympathizes, also SYMPATHISER.
TACHYMETRICtachymetric adj. Relating to tachymetry.
TACHYMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by tachymeter, also TACHYMETRICAL.
THERMICALLYthermically adv. Thermally; in terms of heat.
THERMICAL adv. of or by heat, also THERMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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