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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, E, F, 2I, N, O and R

ANTIFOREIGNantiforeign adj. Opposed to foreigners or to what is foreign.
ANTIFOREIGN adj. opposed to foreignness.
FACINERIOUSFACINERIOUS adj. (Shakespeare) extremely wicked, also FACINOROUS.
FERTIGATIONfertigation n. (Agriculture) The application of fertilizers or other water-soluble products through an irrigation system.
FERTIGATION n. fertilisation and irrigation at the same time.
FORAMINIFERforaminifer n. Any of a large group of aquatic amoeboid protists of the subphylum Foraminifera, characterized by streaming…
FORAMINIFER n. a unicellular microorganism with a calcareous shell through which pseudopods project, also FORAM.
FRACTIONISEfractionise v. Non-Oxford standard spelling of fractionize.
FRACTIONISE v. to break up into fractions, also FRACTIONIZE.
FRACTIONIZEfractionize v. To separate into fractions.
FRACTIONIZE v. to break up into fractions, also FRACTIONISE.
INFOMERCIALinfomercial n. A program-length television commercial, typically between thirty minutes and one hour long, that advertises…
INFOMERCIAL n. a television program that is an extended advertisement often including a discussion or demonstration.
INFORMATISEinformatise v. Alternative form of informatize.
INFORMATISE v. to convert (something) into data or information, esp. for analysis, processing, or consumption by computers, also INFORMATIZE.
INFORMATIVEinformative adj. Providing information; especially, providing useful or interesting information.
informative adj. (In standards and specifications) Not specifying requirements, but merely providing information.
informative adj. (Obsolete) Formative; having power to form.
INFORMATIZEinformatize v. (Transitive) To make informational, or treat in terms of informatics.
INFORMATIZE v. to convert (something) into data or information, esp. for analysis, processing, or consumption by computers, also INFORMATISE.
PROFANITIESprofanities n. Plural of profanity.
PROFANITY n. the state of being profane; a swearword.
REIFICATIONreification n. The consideration of an abstract thing as if it were concrete, or of an inanimate object as if it were living.
reification n. The consideration of a human being as an impersonal object.
reification n. (Programming) A process that makes a computable/addressable object out of a non-computable/addressable…
REINFLATIONreinflation n. Inflation again.
REINFLATION n. the act of reinflating.
RIBOFLAVINERIBOFLAVINE n. a member of the vitamin B complex, in yellowish-brown crystals, promoting growth in children, also RIBOFLAVIN.
RIFACIMENTOrifacimento n. A literary work or musical composition recast to adapt it to a change in the circumstances of the time.
RIFACIMENTO n. (Italian) a recasting of a literary or musical work.
SAPONIFIERSsaponifiers n. Plural of saponifier.
SAPONIFIER n. any agent used to cause saponification.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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