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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, 2E, N, O, P and 2R

COPARCENERScoparceners n. Plural of coparcener.
COPARCENER n. one who has an equal portion with others of an inheritance.
COPARCENERYCOPARCENERY n. joint heirship or ownership, also COPARCENARY.
COPARTNEREDcopartnered v. Simple past tense and past participle of copartner.
COPARTNER v. to act as a copartner.
HARPOONEERSharpooneers n. Plural of harpooneer.
HARPOONEER n. one who uses a harpoon, also HARPOONER.
HYPERBOREANhyperborean n. (Greek mythology) One of a race of people living in the extreme north, beyond the north wind.
hyperborean n. (Usually humorous) Any person living in a northern country, or to the north.
hyperborean adj. Pertaining to the extreme north of the earth, or (usually jocular) to a specific northern country or area.
NEUROPTERANneuropteran n. Any insect of the order Neuroptera, having four large and membranous wings.
NEUROPTERAN n. any of an order of insect including lacewing flies, also NEUROPTERON.
PATERNOSTERpaternoster n. (Christianity) The Lord’s prayer, especially in a Roman Catholic context.
paternoster n. A slow, continuously moving lift or elevator consisting of a loop of open-fronted cabins running the…
paternoster n. (Architecture) A bead-like ornament in mouldings.
PEARMONGERSPEARMONGER n. a seller of pears.
PENETRATORSpenetrators n. Plural of penetrator.
PENETRATOR n. something or someone that penetrates.
PERFORANSESPERFORANS n. the long flexor muscle of the toes.
PERFORMANCEperformance n. The act of performing; carrying into execution or action; execution; achievement; accomplishment; representation…
performance n. That which is performed or accomplished; a thing done or carried through; an achievement; a deed; an…
performance n. (Art) A live show or concert.
PREORDAINEDpreordained v. Simple past tense and past participle of preordain.
preordained adj. Determined in advance; predestined.
PREORDAIN v. to ordain in advance.
PROMENADERSpromenaders n. Plural of promenader.
PROMENADER n. one who promenades.
PYRANOMETERpyranometer n. An actinometer used to measure solar radiation incident on a surface.
PYRANOMETER n. another name for a solarimeter.
REOPERATINGreoperating v. Present participle of reoperate.
REOPERATE v. to operate again.
REOPERATIONreoperation n. (Surgery) A second or subsequent operation.
REOPERATION n. operation again.
REPROBANCESREPROBANCE n. (Shakespeare) reprobation.
ROPEDANCERSropedancers n. Plural of ropedancer.
rope␣dancers n. Plural of rope dancer.
ROPEDANCER n. one who dances, walks, or performs acrobatic feats, on a tightrope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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