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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, 2E, G, L, N, P and R

APPLERINGIEAPPLERINGIE n. (Scots) an aromatic shrub, southernwood.
ESPALIERINGespaliering v. Present participle of espalier.
ESPALIER v. to train a tree to grow on a lattice.
FINGERPLATEfingerplate n. A strip of metal, glass, etc., to protect a painted or polished door from finger marks.
FINGERPLATE n. a plate to protect a door from dirty fingers.
FRANKPLEDGEfrankpledge n. (Law, historical) A form of collective suretyship and punishment under English law among the members of a tithing.
frankpledge n. Any group so similarly answerable for the conduct of all its members and liable for collective punishment.
frankpledge n. (Law, historical) A decener: a member of a tithing bound in frankpledge.
GENERALSHIPgeneralship n. The position or office of a general.
generalship n. The term of office of a military general.
generalship n. The skills or performance of a good general; military leadership, strategy.
GRAPLEMENTSGRAPLEMENT n. (Spenser) a close fight.
IMPREGNABLEimpregnable adj. (Military) Of a fortress or other fortified place: able to withstand all attacks; impenetrable, inconquerable…
impregnable adj. (Figuratively) Too strong to be defeated or overcome; invincible.
impregnable adj. Capable of being impregnated; impregnatable.
LAGERPHONESlagerphones n. Plural of lagerphone.
LAGERPHONE n. (Australian) a percussion instrument using the tops of beer bottles to make a jingling noise when struck or shaken.
NEPHRALGIESNEPHRALGY n. pain in the kidneys, also NEPHRALGIA.
OVERLEAPINGoverleaping v. Present participle of overleap.
OVERLEAP v. to leap over, also OWERLOUP.
PLUNDERAGESPLUNDERAGE n. the embezzlement of goods on shipboard.
PREALTERINGprealtering v. Present participle of prealter.
PREALTER v. to alter beforehand.
PRECLEANINGprecleaning n. Cleaning before a subsequent process.
PRECLEAN v. to clean beforehand.
PRECLEARINGpreclearing v. Present participle of preclear.
PRECLEAR v. to clear beforehand.
PREGENITALSSorry, definition not available.
PRESIGNALEDPRESIGNAL v. to signal in advance.
PROLEGOMENAprolegomena n. Plural of prolegomenon.
PROLEGOMENON n. prefatory remarks; specifically, a formal essay or critical discussion serving to introduce and interpret an extended work.
REPANELLINGrepanelling v. Present participle of repanel.
REPANEL v. to panel again.
SELENOGRAPHselenograph n. (Dated) A picture or delineation of the Moon’s surface.
SELENOGRAPH n. a delineation of the moon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 19 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 27 words

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