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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, 3E, I, N, P and R

HEBEPHRENIAhebephrenia n. (Obsolete) A type of mental disorder occurring during puberty characterized by silly behavior and inappropriate…
hebephrenia n. (Clinical psychology) A form of schizophrenia characterised by inappropriate behaviour and emotional responses.
HEBEPHRENIA n. a form of dementia occurring at puberty.
IMPENETRATEimpenetrate v. (Transitive) To penetrate into.
IMPENETRATE v. to penetrate thoroughly.
INTEMPERATEintemperate adj. Lacking moderation, temper or control.
intemperate adj. Indulging any appetite or passion to excess, especially the drinking of alcohol.
intemperate v. (Obsolete, transitive) To disorder.
PENETRATIVEpenetrative adj. That can or does physically penetrate something; piercing, penetrating.
penetrative adj. Displaying insight or discrimination; acute; penetrating.
penetrative adj. (Sports) That can penetrate opposition defences.
PENTAMERIESPENTAMERY n. the condition of being pentamerous, having parts arranged in fives, also PENTAMERISM.
PEREGRINATEperegrinate v. (Intransitive) To travel from place to place, or from one country to another, especially on foot; hence…
peregrinate v. (Transitive) To travel through a specific place.
peregrinate adj. (Rare) Peregrine; having travelled; exotic, foreign.
PERIPETEIANPERIPETEIAN adj. of or like a peripeteia, a sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances or situation, also PERIPETIAN.
PERISELENIAPERISELENIUM n. in an elliptical orbit about the moon, that point which is closest to the moon.
PREAUDIENCEpreaudience n. (UK, law) Precedence of rank at the bar among lawyers.
PREAUDIENCE n. the right to be heard before another; precedence at the bar among lawyers.
REEXPLAINEDre-explained v. Simple past tense and past participle of re-explain.
REEXPLAIN v. to explain again.
REPARTEEINGreparteeing v. Present participle of repartee.
repartéeing v. Present participle of repartée.
REPARTEE v. to make a quick witty reply.
REREPEATINGrerepeating v. Present participle of rerepeat.
REREPEAT v. to repeat again.
SEPTENARIESseptenaries n. Plural of septenary.
SEPTENARY n. a group of seven.
SPEAKERINESspeakerines n. Plural of speakerine.
SPEAKERINE n. a female announcer or programme hostess.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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