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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, E, N, O, 2R and 2T

ALTERNATORalternator n. (Electrical engineering) An electric generator which produces alternating current through mechanical means.
ALTERNATOR n. an electric generator for producing alternating current.
ANTIPORTERantiporter n. (Biochemistry) A cell protein that acts within an antiport to transport different molecules or ions…
ANTIPORTER n. a membrane protein that transports substances across cell membranes.
INTEGRATORintegrator n. A person who, or a device which, integrates.
integrator n. A device that calculates definite integrals.
integrator n. Any electronic device that sums a measurement over time.
NONSTARTERnonstarter n. A project that has no chance of success.
nonstarter n. A horse that does not run in a race for which it has been entered.
nonstarter n. A loser; a person who is bound to fail.
ORIENTATORorientator n. An instrument for orientating.
ORIENTATOR n. an instrument for orientating.
PENETRATORpenetrator n. Something that penetrates.
PENETRATOR n. something or someone that penetrates.
REINSTATORreinstator n. Alternative form of reinstater.
REINSTATOR n. one who reinstates.
RETRACTIONretraction n. An act or instance of retracting.
retraction n. A statement printed or broadcast in a public forum which effects the withdrawal of an earlier assertion…
retraction n. (Mathematics) A continuous function from a topological space onto a subspace which is the identity on that subspace.
TERMINATORterminator n. Someone who terminates or ends something, especially (in later use) an assassin or exterminator.
terminator n. (Computing) A text character that serves to mark the end of a document or transmission.
terminator n. (Astronomy) The line between the day side and the night side of a moon, planet or other celestial body.
TORRENTIALtorrential adj. Coming or characterized by torrents; flowing heavily or in large quantities.
TORRENTIAL adj. resembling a torrent, also TORRENTUOUS.
TRIACONTERtriaconter n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A vessel with thirty banks of oars, or thirty ranks of rowers.
TRIACONTER n. (historical) a Greek galley with thirty oars.
TROCHANTERtrochanter n. (Anatomy) In vertebrates with legs, the end of the femur near the hip joint, not including the head or neck.
trochanter n. In some arthropods, the second segment of the leg, between the coxa and the femur.
TROCHANTER n. a rough eminence on the thigh bone to which muscles are attached.
WATERFRONTwaterfront n. The land alongside a body of water.
waterfront n. The dockland district of a town.
WATERFRONT n. land with buildings, or a section of a town fronting or abutting on a body of water.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 41 words
  • Scrabble in French: 105 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 53 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 87 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 43 words

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