ANGIOSPERM | • angiosperm n. (Botany) Any plant of the clade Angiosperms, characterized by having ovules enclosed in an ovary; a flowering plant. • ANGIOSPERM n. a plant of the Angiospermae, one of the main divisions of flowering plants, in which the seeds are in a closed ovary, not naked as in gymnosperms. |
ARMIPOTENT | • armipotent adj. (Obsolete) Powerful in battle. • armipotent n. (Poetic, archaic) A powerful combatant. • ARMIPOTENT adj. (archaic) having strong weapons; militarily potent. |
COMPEARING | • compearing v. Present participle of compear. • COMPEAR v. to appear in court. |
COMPLAINER | • complainer n. One who complains, or is known for their complaints. • COMPLAINER n. one who complains. |
IMPERSONAL | • impersonal adj. Not personal; not representing a person; not having personality. • impersonal adj. Lacking warmth or emotion; cold. • impersonal adj. (Grammar, of a verb or other word) Not having a subject, or having a third person pronoun without an antecedent. |
IMPORTANCE | • importance n. The quality or condition of being important or worthy of note. • importance n. Significance or prominence. • importance n. Personal status or standing. |
INCOMPARED | • incompared adj. (Obsolete) peerless; incomparable. • INCOMPARED adj. (Spenser) peerless; incomparable. |
MAINPERNOR | • mainpernor n. (Law) A surety, under the old writ of mainprise, for a prisoner’s appearance in court at a day. • MAINPERNOR n. one who gives mainprise, surety for the appearance of a prisoner at trial. |
MEROPIDANS | • meropidans n. Plural of meropidan. • MEROPIDAN n. one of a family of birds that includes bee-eaters. |
PALINDROME | • palindrome n. A word, phrase, number or any other sequence of units which has the property of reading the same forwards… • palindrome n. (By extension) A poetic form in which the sequence of words reads the same in either direction. • palindrome n. (By extension) A sequence of items that follows the same pattern both forwards and backwards. |
PARONYMIES | • paronymies n. Plural of paronymy. • PARONYMY n. a relationship of two words having the same sound. |
PERMEATION | • permeation n. The movement of a fluid through a porous or permeable solid. • permeation n. (Medicine) The spreading of something (especially something malignant) through the body via blood vessels etc. • PERMEATION n. the act of permeating. |
PORTAMENTI | • portamenti n. Plural of portamento. • PORTAMENTO n. (Italian) in singing, or in the use of the bow, a gradual carrying or lifting of the voice or sound very smoothly from one note to another. |
PRAENOMINA | • praenomina n. Plural of praenomen. • PRAENOMEN n. (Latin) the first name of an ancient Roman, also PRENOMEN. |
PRENOMINAL | • prenominal adj. (Grammar) That is placed before a noun. • prenominal n. Such a word. • prenominal adj. Uncommon form of praenominal. |
PRIZEWOMAN | • PRIZEWOMAN n. a woman winning a prize. |
PROLAMINES | • prolamines n. Plural of prolamine. • PROLAMINE n. one of a group of proteins found in wheat and rye, also PROLAMIN. |
PROSEMINAR | • proseminar n. A seminar that is open to (and accessible to) upper level undergraduates; contrasts with a graduate… • PROSEMINAR n. a course of study like a graduate seminar but often open to advanced students. |
PROTAMINES | • protamines n. Plural of protamine. • PROTAMINE n. any of a class of simple basic proteins which occur combined with nucleic acids (esp. in fish sperm), also PROTAMIN. |
TRAMPOLINE | • trampoline n. A gymnastic and recreational device consisting of a piece of taut, strong fabric or rubber stretched… • trampoline n. (Uncountable) A competitive sport in which athletes are judged on routines of tricks performed on a trampoline. • trampoline n. (Programming) Any of a variety of looping or jumping instructions in specific programming languages. |