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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, E, I, 2L, O, R and S

ALLEGORIESallegories n. Plural of allegory.
ALLEGORY n. a story presenting a moral principle.
ALLEGORISEallegorise v. (Transitive, British spelling) To create an allegory from some event or situation.
allegorise v. (Intransitive, British spelling) To use allegory.
ALLEGORISE v. to make an allegory of, also ALLEGORIZE.
ALLEGORISTallegorist n. One who speaks in, or writes, allegories.
ALLEGORIST n. one who composes allegories.
ALLOMERISMallomerism n. (Chemistry) Variability in chemical composition without variation in crystalline form.
ALLOMERISM n. similarity of crystalline structure in substances of different chemical composition.
ALLOSTERICallosteric adj. (Biochemistry, of an enzyme) That binds a compound on an inactive site and thus changes macromolecular…
allosteric n. (Biochemistry) An allosteric modulator.
ALLOSTERIC adj. of an enzyme, influenced by a combination with another substance.
CORALLINEScorallines n. Plural of coralline.
CORALLINE n. a marine animal, esp. a bryozoan, which lives in colonies resembling coral.
CORALLITEScorallites n. Plural of corallite.
CORALLITE n. a mineral substance or petrifaction, in the form of coral.
DOLLARISEDdollarised v. Simple past tense and past participle of dollarise.
DOLLARISE v. to replace a country's currency with the US dollar, also DOLLARIZE.
DOLLARISESdollarises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dollarise.
DOLLARISE v. to replace a country's currency with the US dollar, also DOLLARIZE.
DOLLARIZESdollarizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dollarize.
DOLLARIZE v. to replace a country's currency with the US dollar, also DOLLARISE.
LEGISLATORlegislator n. Someone who creates or enacts laws.
LEGISLATOR n. one that makes laws esp. for a political unit.
LOCALISERSlocalisers n. Plural of localiser.
LOCALISER n. one who localises, also LOCALIZER.
LOCALIZERSlocalizers n. Plural of localizer.
LOCALIZER n. one who localises, also LOCALISER.
SAILORLESSsailorless adj. Without any sailors.
SAILORLESS adj. without sailors.
SAILORLIERSAILORLY adj. like or appropriate to a sailor.
SAILORLIKEsailorlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a sailor.
SAILORLIKE adj. like a sailor.
SCLEROTIALsclerotial adj. Of or pertaining to a sclerotium.
SCLEROTIAL adj. of or like a sclerotium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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