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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, 3E, I, R, S and T

CAFETIEREScafetieres n. Plural of cafetiere.
cafetières n. Plural of cafetière.
CAFETIERE n. (French) a type of coffee-maker.
CAMSTEERIECAMSTEERIE adj. (Scots) perverse, unruly, also CAMSTAIRY, CAMSTEARY.
CHEATERIEScheateries n. Plural of cheatery.
CHEATERY n. a cheating.
DESIDERATEdesiderate v. (Transitive) To miss; to feel the absence of; to long for.
desiderate adj. Desired, wished or longed for.
DESIDERATE v. to desire; to feel the want of.
EASTERLIESeasterlies n. Plural of easterly.
EASTERLY n. a wind from the east.
ELATERITESelaterites n. Plural of elaterite.
ELATERITE n. elastic bitumen, a rubberlike mineral resin.
ENTREATIESentreaties n. Plural of entreaty.
ENTREATY n. an earnest request or prayer.
ETERNALISEeternalise v. Alternative form of eternalize.
ETERNALISE v. to make eternal, also ETERNALIZE.
EVISCERATEeviscerate v. (Transitive) To disembowel, to remove the viscera.
eviscerate v. (Transitive) To destroy or make ineffectual or meaningless.
eviscerate v. (Transitive) To elicit the essence of.
FEMETARIESFEMETARY n. a plant once used to treat scurvy, also FUMITORY, FEMITER, FENITAR.
PAPETERIESpapeteries n. Plural of papeterie.
PAPETERIE n. (French) a stationery-case.
REESTIMATEreestimate v. (Transitive) To estimate again.
REESTIMATE v. to estimate again.
REITERATESreiterates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reiterate.
REITERATE v. to repeat.
REMEDIATESremediates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of remediate.
REMEDIATE v. (Shakespeare) to remedy.
RETRAINEESretrainees n. Plural of retrainee.
RETRAINEE n. one who is retrained.
SECRETAIREsecretaire n. A kind of writing desk.
SECRETAIRE n. (French) a writing desk.
TEABERRIESteaberries n. Plural of teaberry.
TEABERRY n. a North American shrub.
WEATHERISEweatherise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of weatherize.
WEATHERISE v. to make (a fabric) weatherproof, also WEATHERIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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