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There are 18 words containing A, D, 3N, O, R and U

COUNTERMANDINGcountermanding v. Present participle of countermand.
countermanding n. The act of something being countermanded.
COUNTERMAND v. to revoke an order by a contrary order.
COUNTERPLANNEDcounterplanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of counterplan.
COUNTERPLAN v. to form a plan designed to counter another plan.
ENNEANDROUSenneandrous adj. (Botany) Having nine stamens.
ENNEANDROUS adj. of the class Enneandria, having nine stamens, also ENNEANDRIAN.
INSUBORDINATIONinsubordination n. The quality or state of being insubordinate; disobedience to lawful authority; specifically, an employee’s…
INSUBORDINATION n. the state of being insubordinate.
NONDOCUMENTARYnondocumentary adj. (Film) Not a documentary, or not documentary in nature.
nondocumentary n. A film or programme that is not a documentary.
NONDOCUMENTARY adj. not documentary.
NONINDUSTRIALnonindustrial adj. Not industrial.
nonindustrial adj. Of a geographic area, not designated for use by manufacturers and other industries; residential or commercial.
NONINDUSTRIAL adj. not industrial.
NONINDUSTRIALSSorry, definition not available.
NONREDUNDANTnonredundant adj. Not redundant; lacking redundancy.
non-redundant adj. Not redundant; not superfluous.
NONREDUNDANT adj. not redundant.
NONREFUNDABLEnonrefundable adj. Not refundable; not able to be refunded.
non-refundable adj. Alternative form of nonrefundable.
NONREFUNDABLE adj. not subject to refunding or being refunded.
PREANNOUNCEDpreannounced v. Simple past tense and past participle of preannounce.
pre-announced v. Simple past tense and past participle of pre-announce.
PREANNOUNCE v. to announce beforehand.
UNCONSTRAINEDunconstrained adj. Not constrained.
UNCONSTRAINED adj. not constrained.
UNCONSTRAINEDLYunconstrainedly adv. In an unconstrained manner.
UNCONSTRAINED adv. not constrained.
UNDERDIAGNOSINGunderdiagnosing v. Present participle of underdiagnose.
UNDERINFLATIONunderinflation n. Inadequate inflation (Of vehicle tyres, etc.).
UNDERINFLATION n. the state of being insufficiently inflated.
UNDERINFLATIONSUNDERINFLATION n. the state of being insufficiently inflated.
UNDETERMINATIONundetermination n. Archaic form of indetermination.
UNDETERMINATION n. lack of determination.
UNORNAMENTEDunornamented adj. Not ornamented; without ornament.
UNORNAMENTED adj. not ornamented.
UNPARDONINGunpardoning adj. That does not pardon; unforgiving.
UNPARDONING adj. not pardoning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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