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There are 18 words containing A, D, M, 2N, P, R and T

INTERPANDEMICinterpandemic adj. Between pandemics.
INTERPANDEMIC adj. between pandemics.
NONDEPARTMENTALnondepartmental adj. Not related to a specific department or discipline.
non-departmental adj. Alternative form of nondepartmental.
NONDEPARTMENTAL adj. not departmental.
PREADMONITIONpreadmonition n. Previous warning or admonition; forewarning.
PREADMONITION n. the act of preadmonishing, forewarning.
PREADMONITIONSpreadmonitions n. Plural of preadmonition.
PREADMONITION n. the act of preadmonishing, forewarning.
PREDOMINANTpredominant adj. Common or widespread; prevalent.
predominant adj. Significant or important; dominant.
predominant n. (Music) A subdominant.
PREDOMINANTLYpredominantly adv. In a predominant manner. Most commonly or frequently by a large margin.
PREDOMINANT adv. having superior strength, influence, or authority.
PREDOMINATINGpredominating v. Present participle of predominate.
PREDOMINATE v. to hold advantage in numbers or quantity.
PREDOMINATIONpredomination n. The act or state of predominating; ascendency; predominance.
PREDOMINATION n. the act of predominating.
PREDOMINATIONSpredominations n. Plural of predomination.
PREDOMINATION n. the act of predominating.
PRENOMINATEDprenominated v. Simple past tense and past participle of prenominate.
PRENOMINATE v. to name or state beforehand.
PREORDAINMENTpreordainment n. The act of preordaining something.
PREORDAINMENT n. a preliminary ordainment.
PREORDAINMENTSpreordainments n. Plural of preordainment.
PREORDAINMENT n. a preliminary ordainment.
SUPERDOMINANTsuperdominant adj. (Law) Having an overwhelming proportion of market share, so as to be almost a monopoly.
superdominant adj. Having a disproportionate degree of influence or salience.
superdominant adj. (Biology) Holding a position of absolute dominance.
SUPERDOMINANTSsuperdominants n. Plural of superdominant.
SUPERDOMINANT n. the submediant or 6th tone of the diatonic scale.
UNDERPAYMENTunderpayment n. An insufficient payment.
underpayment n. The act of making such a payment.
underpayment n. The amount by which a payment is insufficient.
UNDERPAYMENTSunderpayments n. Plural of underpayment.
UNDERPAYMENT n. an insufficient payment.
UNIMPREGNATEDunimpregnated adj. Not impregnated.
UNIMPREGNATED adj. not impregnated.
UNPREMEDITATIONunpremeditation n. Lack of premeditation; spontaneity.
UNPREMEDITATION n. a lack of premeditation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 509 words
  • Scrabble in French: 60 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 64 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 81 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 32 words

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