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There are 19 words containing A, D, L, 2R, 2S and T

DEERSTALKERSdeerstalkers n. Plural of deerstalker.
deer␣stalkers n. Plural of deer stalker.
DEERSTALKER n. a kind of cap.
DISARTICULATORSdisarticulators n. Plural of disarticulator.
DISARTICULATOR n. a device for disarticulating joints.
DRILLMASTERSdrillmasters n. Plural of drillmaster.
DRILLMASTER n. an instructor in military drill.
DRYSALTERIESdrysalteries n. Plural of drysaltery.
DRYSALTERY n. the articles kept by a drysalter; also, the business of a drysalter.
DRYSALTERSdrysalters n. Plural of drysalter.
DRYSALTER n. a seller of dry goods and chemicals.
EDITORIALISERSeditorialisers n. Plural of editorialiser.
EDITORIALISER n. one who editorialises, also EDITORIALIZER.
IDOLATRISERSIDOLATRISER n. one who commits idolatry, also IDOLATRIZER.
PLASTERBOARDSplasterboards n. Plural of plasterboard.
PLASTERBOARD n. a thin rigid board, in the form of a layer of plaster compressed between two layers of fibreboard, used to form or cover walls.
RECRYSTALLISEDrecrystallised v. Simple past tense and past participle of recrystallise.
recrystallised adj. Alternative spelling of recrystallized.
RECRYSTALLISE v. to crystallise again, also RECRYSTALLIZE.
REINDUSTRIALISEreindustrialise v. Alternative spelling of reindustrialize.
REINDUSTRIALISE v. to industrialise again, also REINDUSTRIALIZE.
SCLERODERMATOUSsclerodermatous adj. Relating to, or exhibiting, scleroderma.
SCLERODERMATOUS adj. hard-skinned; having bony armour.
SCRATCHBUILDERSSCRATCHBUILDER n. one who scratchbuilds, builds models from raw materials, as opposed to constructing from kits or buying ready made.
SINISTRODEXTRALsinistrodextral adj. Moving or directed from the left to the right.
SINISTRODEXTRAL adj. going or directed from left to right, as a sinistrodextral script.
STRADDLERSstraddlers n. Plural of straddler.
STRADDLER n. one who straddles.
STRIDULATORSstridulators n. Plural of stridulator.
STRIDULATOR n. an insect that makes a sound by scraping.
STRUCTURALISEDstructuralised v. Simple past tense and past participle of structuralise.
STRUCTURALISE v. to organize or incorporate into a structure, also STRUCTURALIZE.
ULTRAMODERNISMSultramodernisms n. Plural of ultramodernism.
ULTRAMODERNISM n. an artistic movement beyond modernism.
ULTRAMODERNISTSultramodernists n. Plural of ultramodernist.
ULTRAMODERNIST n. one who practises ultramodernism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 872 words
  • Scrabble in French: 177 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 252 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 80 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 60 words

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