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There are 18 words containing A, D, L, N, 2P, S and T

DEOPPILATIONSdeoppilations n. Plural of deoppilation.
DEOPPILATION n. the act of deoppilating, freeing from obstruction.
DEPOPULATIONSdepopulations n. Plural of depopulation.
DEPOPULATION n. the act of depopulating.
DIPROPELLANTSDIPROPELLANT n. a rocket propellant consisting of two substances, usually a fuel and an oxidizer.
DISAPPLICATIONdisapplication n. (Law) exemption from a legal requirement.
DISAPPLICATION n. the act of disapplying, rendering a law inapplicable.
DISAPPLICATIONSdisapplications n. Plural of disapplication.
DISAPPLICATION n. the act of disapplying, rendering a law inapplicable.
DISAPPOINTEDLYdisappointedly adv. In a disappointed manner.
DISAPPOINTED adv. DISAPPOINT, to fail to meet the expectation or hope of.
DISAPPOINTINGLYdisappointingly adv. In a disappointing manner.
DISAPPOINTING adv. DISAPPOINT, to fail to meet the expectation or hope of.
DISPROPORTIONALdisproportional adj. Disproportionate.
DISPROPORTIONAL adj. relating to disproportion.
LEPIDOPTERANSlepidopterans n. Plural of lepidopteran.
LEPIDOPTERAN n. an insect such as moth or butterfly, also LEPIDOPTERON.
PENTADELPHOUSpentadelphous adj. (Botany) Of a flower or plant: having its stamens fused together at least partly by the filaments so…
PENTADELPHOUS adj. having five bundles of stamens; united in five bundles.
PENTAPLOIDIESPENTAPLOIDY n. the state of being pentaploid.
PENTAPLOIDSpentaploids n. Plural of pentaploid.
PENTAPLOID n. a cell, organism, or form with five sets of chromosomes.
PEPTIDOGLYCANSpeptidoglycans n. Plural of peptidoglycan.
PEPTIDOGLYCAN n. a polymer in the cell walls of procaryotes.
PHILANTHROPOIDSphilanthropoids n. Plural of philanthropoid.
PHILANTHROPOID n. a person who works for a philanthropic organization.
POSTPRANDIALpostprandial adj. After a meal, especially after dinner.
post-prandial adj. Alternative form of postprandial.
POSTPRANDIAL adj. taking place after dinner.
POSTPRANDIALLYpostprandially adv. In a postprandial manner; after a meal; especially, after dinner.
PREPRESIDENTIALprepresidential adj. Of or pertaining to the period before a person’s ascent to the presidency of a country.
PREPRESIDENTIAL adj. preceding a presidential election.
SUPPLANTEDsupplanted v. Simple past tense and past participle of supplant.
SUPPLANT v. to take the place of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 426 words
  • Scrabble in French: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 22 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 18 words

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